There are certain inexplicable things that never fail to make my heart beat faster. Beautiful art, a particular way a sentence is strung together and a song, the kind of song I want to spend all day playing on repeat. These things come along often and I'm always astounded at the excitement they bring.
The music that is doing that to me at the moment is Thomas Feiner and Anwhen, All that Numbs You, the combination of that line and his voice are just too lovely.
I had a dream I was a unicorn human hybrid, white horse legs and a human torso with a perfectly fitting horn. Woke up a little sad that it was all in my head, things seemed quite simple being a magical made-up creature.
I've been enjoying Kent Williams's artwork at the moment, I love the way he handles skin.

As far as real life is concerned I've gone back to pole dancing, I had forgotten why I loved it but I remember now.

I got more work done on my tattoo, decided I wanted full colour.

Had probably the best Valentines of my life with my sister, talamia, Tarion, Kohana and a couple of other people. We went to 'Ed's Diner' which is a restaurant in total retro 50's American diner style, everything was 'in character' from the decor to the music and menu. We all had to bring a secret Santa Valentine gift bought from a porn shop. Was pretty darn hilarious. I got a latex spanking skirt from my lady Tarion haha

Alright, that's all for tonight, I'm off to dream about unicorns and seals and white sanded beaches where only wonderful things can happen xx

From Tarion's blog I came directly here and OMG 1! your set in MR it's amazing! you never dissapoint, 2! you in a pole dance??? OMFG!!! that's insanely hot! and 3! you close your blog with those adorable pics with Tarion and that makes this blog completely cute and perfect 

my little pony tat = win