She is the newest baby to join the family. I applied for her from the Animal Shelter last week and fetched her on Wednesday. She is a total honey but has the worst separation anxiety, she can't even stand to be in another part of the same room as me. I really hope she can settle down, I don't want her to have a life of terror that I may leave. It also seems like she was beaten, she cowers if you move to stroke her too quickly. Hopefully time and love will sort all these things out though.
Here are some cute internet dog's that made me lol today:
Last weekend I went with my sister to watch a show called 24hrs in the City, a few groups of people had 24hrs to write/direct and produce a 10min play for the show. There were 7 plays in total and the outcome was pretty impressive. The plays that attempted drama didn't work as well as the comedies, maybe 10min is a bit too short to convey any genuine emotion. My favourite was this amazing farce/pseudo horror story, the actors were both characters and props, it was ridiculous without being too silly. It reminded me very much of a play I acted in in High School called Garlic and Lavender. I was a slave called Trudi and wore a potato sack (it was also a vampire comedy) I have a really good memory for detail, I can even remember my first lines "Boris what means this agitation in thy countenance?"
Here is a quick flash of the last 2 weeks..
I got a haircut
Made a swan
Painted a self portrait
Got more work done on my leg piece
and got another huge chunk of my arm cut out but the picture was too icky to post. He took out a lot this time so that there is only one more session left. Hooray!
P.S Thank you for all the love on Atlantic Blue
Why are you having chunks cut out of your arm?
thank you very much for the time, support, comments and love on my new set.
is really important to me.
kisses and hugs!