I went to Durban with talamia, Tarion, PunkSkunk and Xaosnyte and it was awesome, I love my friends and I love the sea = win.
I also got to meet Cuddlefish and get to know Lumo a bit better.

Cuddlefish and PunkSkunk had a cook off which talamia took really seriously, she even made score sheets and a trophy. They had candles sort of like survivor and talamia gave me my own Jeff Probst impersonation of tribal council. I think the loser (maybe winner?) was supposed walk naked into the ocean but I left before any of that was decided. They tied
I managed to take 2 sneaky pictures of ninja talamia being awesome.
We also played some sort of mystical card game and by we I mean them, I exercised my super skill of power napping.
To back track a little to last weekend.. Tarion had a ninja's vs pirates party.
I got to hang out with Pyke who is a total honey and you should check out Star Gazer, it's such a creative, cute set.
Crashcarburn is one of my favourite South African bands and they played a gig on top of the Lister building roof, in town just after sunset. I really love Joburg at sunset everything seems sparkly and magical.
Lastly my set Atlantic Blue hit member review today, thank you for everyone that has already commented, I read every single one LOVE!
Ok I'm off to be tattooed for the next three hours! Yay!