so, update update update...
here we are, and its wednesday, and ive officially only got 4 more days of work at the real estate office!!!!
whoo hoo! thats really exciting. then its off to the mountains for a like two month camping adventure in the woods of northern california. who knows where i will be- but as soon as winter starts i sure as hell am going to cold, living in a tent in the woods.
looking :::really::: forward to that. at least ill be making very good money and in the long run, it will be worth it. ill be incomunicado the whole time im up there- so - if you need to reach me - send me an email with a telephone number, and i will call you!
(thats a great way for me to get some hot guys numbers!) i hope... heheheh just kidding - but really, i will be away from a computer for the whole time- and i dont even know if i will have a phone. so, let me know! aighty then.. ciao. (Oh! i almost forgot... none of this will probably happen till around the 1st of October, so all the hot guys will have until then to decide to send me their numbers)!
here we are, and its wednesday, and ive officially only got 4 more days of work at the real estate office!!!!