ive made a journey... im now in austin texas. arrived yesterday and spent the entire day working with people who were sent here from new orleans after the hurricane. these people are living in hotels, apartments and shelters... the city of austin is helping them to rebuild their lives. ive been working with a woman who started an organization called alive in truth check out Alive in Truth
the new oleans disaster oral history & memory project, started by my friend abe. she is talking to displaced people, recording their histories, and helping in any way that she can. its been enlightening, heartwrenching and eye opening to see and hear these peoples stories. i am here to help her organize the effort and volunteer some time. . . .they really really need manpower here, help in any way and whether it is physical, or monetary or emotional support, it is all welcome.
email me at yareach_8@yahoo.com
the new oleans disaster oral history & memory project, started by my friend abe. she is talking to displaced people, recording their histories, and helping in any way that she can. its been enlightening, heartwrenching and eye opening to see and hear these peoples stories. i am here to help her organize the effort and volunteer some time. . . .they really really need manpower here, help in any way and whether it is physical, or monetary or emotional support, it is all welcome.
email me at yareach_8@yahoo.com
Happy new year and good luck in 2006! Be well ...