A certain scorpion tagged me into this. @scorpiontim87
1. Favorite band/artist?
I am not sure if I have a fav, maybe Pink or Lady Gaga
2. Favorite song All time or Recent?
--Bitch by Meredith Brooks
3. Favorite album?
--Born this Way
4. First concert?
--Dirks Bentley
5. Last concert you went to?
--30 seconds to Mars
6. Favorite concert?
--30 Seconds to Mars
7. Who do you wish you could see live
--Ghost, Disturbed, Pink, Lady Gaga, Queen (I Wish), AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson
8. What music did you grow up with?
--All kinds from pop to rock/metal to country
9. How do you find new music?
--YouTube and Pandora
10. How do you listen to music?
--Youtube and Pandora
11. Any new albums you're looking forward to?
--Honestly I am terrible with albums
12. Favorite movie soundtrack?
--Rocky horror picture show or Sweeny Todd demon barber of Fleet Street
13. Last one for fun do you like to sing when you listen to music?
Hell Yeah, I normally belt musicals when I bake
Hell Yeah, I normally belt musicals when I bake
I’m gonna tag these special peoples to also do this 😋 @SEDUCENTE @NANNAKYA @AUTUMN @STARRY @JHOSI @BUKONAHAY @KINGPIN67 @VIVIANBLISS@WOLFMANTYRON @ALLOURABOREALIS @scottzilla67 @incontrol88 @gumballhead @stoneddad90 @metalfreak @spikespiegel77
Hope see y’all’s music 🥰
Aw she thinks I’m special 🥰
@incontrol88 of course you are special