Oof, lets see if I can put this into words,
I think it mainly means that you have pride in yourself, that you don't have to hide parts of you to fit into society. You can just be you in a whole, and not feel shame/dirty/worthless because of you identify as gay/a lesbian/trans/asexual/demisexual/Bisexual what have you and not feel shameful. It means I came walk around outside openly Bisexual, not caring who knows because I shouldn't experience and hate or discrimination, or that if I do, it rolls off my back because what they say doesn't matter in that moment. And I can't wait to see the day till the discrimination stops and we don't have to deal with it anymore. It means you can encounter the joys of life and are able to experience/participate in them to the fullest.
I am not the best at putting things into words. but I think this gets my point across
#Blog HW
@missy @penny