*yawn* have you ever wanted to go somewhere so badly the reasons to stay never felt like they were good enough even though you know it would be stupid to leave?
The feeling of being trapped in a place where nothing feels right and thinking that in that other place there is everything you ever needed to feel complete is what drives me to ask this question. When you're more likely to talk about nothing than something Its weird that all those nothings mean more to you than so many... somethings.
Perhaps one day I'll get up the corage to leave this place and stive for what I think will make me happy, but for now it seems an imposibility.
on a lighter note....yeah i always seemed mature even as a kid
My inner child is forty-five years old!
how sad
The feeling of being trapped in a place where nothing feels right and thinking that in that other place there is everything you ever needed to feel complete is what drives me to ask this question. When you're more likely to talk about nothing than something Its weird that all those nothings mean more to you than so many... somethings.
Perhaps one day I'll get up the corage to leave this place and stive for what I think will make me happy, but for now it seems an imposibility.
on a lighter note....yeah i always seemed mature even as a kid
My inner child is forty-five years old!
how sad

come on and visit me.

I hope you will be happy soon.