I had a dream that I was laughing maniacally and running around. My laugh was like a twisted version of the wicked witch of the west. HAHAHAHA hahahaha HAHAHAHA. Cackle. I woke up with that evil laugh ringing through my ears lake a broken bell. What the hell? What does that mean?
Tonight we went out to Chinese for dinner. My favorite Chinese Restruant, down the road. It's this totally dilapitated on story, flat roofed, pink building, hand written signs plastered to the outside wall anouncing the daily specials. It's really not much to look at, unless you have a twisted sense of asthetic, but the food is authentic and the family that runs the joint are super nice; always friwndly and happy to see our little werewolf baby.
happiness, good food, worked on my burl girl web page, and watched John Waters "Female Trouble."
Tonight we went out to Chinese for dinner. My favorite Chinese Restruant, down the road. It's this totally dilapitated on story, flat roofed, pink building, hand written signs plastered to the outside wall anouncing the daily specials. It's really not much to look at, unless you have a twisted sense of asthetic, but the food is authentic and the family that runs the joint are super nice; always friwndly and happy to see our little werewolf baby.
happiness, good food, worked on my burl girl web page, and watched John Waters "Female Trouble."
Actually, stock photography is one of the best places for photographers to get properly compensated for their work. For instance, if Microsoft needed a photo of some grass and a flower or something for the cover of some software packaging or whatever, and found I had one they wanted, that image could be worth many thousands of dollars (depending on usage). It seems that legitmate usage like that that goes through stock agencies is one of the few routes one can go and be taken seriously and get properly compensated.. though there is always going to be unauthorized stuff going on, but mostly it isn't going to be by the people or projects that would bring the decent money anyway I guess.. i don't know _exactly_ cause that isn't the kind of work I do anyway ahAHAH! But use stock photos -- definitely! xoxoxox
i have not heard of Bonnie Prince Billy. i'll check her out, thanks.