Friday Feb 07, 2003 Feb 6, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email working on the design for my arm tattoo. It's an Indonesian dragon. The kind that the wayang shadow puppets wear on thier arms as protection from the nafsu. I can't wait to get it. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS illbillzillbub: oh and i'm wearing clothes now how old is your bambini? Feb 8, 2003 mattereaterlad2: fine short story by haruki murakami in the brand new new yorker. bowker BIP! your comment in ninjatuner's journal made me chuckle. using as BIP, the dirty little bookseller secret. Feb 8, 2003
how old is your bambini?
bowker BIP! your comment in ninjatuner's journal made me chuckle.
using as BIP, the dirty little bookseller secret.