I have a set in MR, What??? I got a big surprise yesterday morning when I woke up and saw Matrix was already in MR. I was under the impression it would come out in May only. I am obviously very happy to have it out already but It was very unexpected.
People seem to like it so I couldn't be happier. I love to do sets that aren't just straight forward bedroom sets.
It was shot at a bad time the as the Shootfest happened to co-incident with a life altering examination and a family death as well. Despite all of that, going to the Shootfest, visiting with my besties and making this set was a exactly the respite I needed during that time.
Morpheus: "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself"
Morpheus: "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
I am pretty sure I don't need to further expand on the theme. The colour editing, styling, name and last shot should speak for themselves.
It's a bit symbolic of my life at the moment. My way of looking at reality has altered. My perception of myself and my abilities, what is important to me has changed. I feel like I am far, far down the rabbit hole with all the good and negative connotations implied.
We tried to do a sad Keanu pic as a candid, cos it's important to throw silliness in the face of serious things like the above deep ruminations.
And where silliness does not win out boobs will "links to Arroias set and Lunar " which are far more pleasant and entertaining than philosowanking.
Pictorial depiction of current rabbit hole:
Cuddlefish as Ninja for a costume party:
Odd Thomas books <3
The pic SG posted on Instagram saying featuring hot 30+ SGs reminding me I am gonna be 30 really, really soon. That is enough to give most people some kind of metaphysical meltdown.
There has been beach running, with Maeve. I hate beach running, she on the other hand loves it
I have forgotten what waking up at 7 feels like. At the moment there is not one day I wake up later that 5... Often wake up is 3 am. Sleep deprivation may also be contributing to the current haze of unreality in which I spend my days.
I bought an über tent and think an escape in the mountains will go a far way to realigning my reality.
Also @Pyke made a candid appearance in the last shot of Matrix and incidentally it is her birthday, go wish her and tell her she is awesome. I leave you with Sundies and exit music,