August and September have been months of insanity. Cuddlefish was away for a lot of August which included his birthday. So stress and loneliness compounded into ultra-grumpiness.
But on happier nerdier notes: I got him galaxy truckers for his birthday which Has proven to be pretty bitchin
I also got him a purple coat that looks so camp and ridiculous that it could be something pilfered from the artist formerly known as prince. Of course he fucking loved it, as do I. Not enough can be said for how awesome gaudy and kitsch stuff can be! Even though it was his birthday he also arrived home with a present for me: abalone shell plugs which I have wanted for ages. Best husband ever! I love organic body jewelry!
The elation at having him home was short lived. Almost as he got home Maeve got really really sick. The offending malady; parvovirus. Parvo is apparently related to the chickenpox virus and It causes sloughing of of the villi of the intestinal mucosa causing severe diarrhea and no nutrient absorption. Coupled with no eating or drinking it spells a 90% mortality rate in untreated animals. Oddly enough it usually effects tan and black breeds more readily than other breeds. So my little collie-shepard combo dog did not stand a chance of not being effected by the local outbreak genetic wise. Fortunately the moment she started getting sick I gave her probiotics and activated charcoal tablets knowing they are good for any GI complaints. When she didn't get that much better, off to the vet she went. The vet gave her antibiotics and sent her home. We didn't suspect parvo as we were under the impression she had received her shots at the shelter where we adopted her and was up to date till end October. If I had checked her record booklet I would have realized this was not the case. She began to show improvement on the antibiotics but relapsed that night. Off to the emergency vet we went. This time I took the medical record booklet with and we ascertained she had received her first set of inoculations against parvo but not her second. We tested and it almost screamed positive. The vet gave us very little hope. Maeve stayed overnight at the emergency vet and from there was carted directly to our normal vet the next day. The 2 nights she was in hospital I spent crying myself to sleep. I really do all I can to look after my dog. We give her quality food, bath her, exercise her. I always am good about taking my babies to the vet when they need it so this oversight on my part really tore me apart, the thought of losing Maeve killed me. To me my animals are my family. Dr Clow, our vet, is a wonderful man. He allowed me to naturally treat Maeve concomitantly with conventional treatment and put up with my in many calls to check in on her. He even went in late at night to his practice to check up on Maeve and keep her company for a while even though he didn't have to. He has developed a soft spot for Maeve, he says she has above average intelligence and a good kisser (perhaps I should be worried about that part) She surprised both the emergency vet and Dr Clow recovering at all let alone so fast.

After my lil dag aged me a decade now you would never know she had been sick. She is still contagious apparently, so for another week still she has to be kept at home, no walks or beach. That means she is raising some hell at home though. I don't mind. At the moment she could get away with murder.
Apart from that Arroia was away for a month as well and I missed her awfully too. She also returned with presents! Croatian butterflies that she knew would be a perfect present for me. A Silver-washed Fritillary and a Scarce Swallowtail. I didn't know how I could keep them so I thought: Skyrim bugs in a jar.

Since she came back we have been busy organizing a little get together to shoot/party for SGZA ladies at the end of November. Both Talamia and Alma are gonna come make some magic. I am pretty excited
Now to go do what I am always doing. Pilates. My comprehensive pilates equipment exam is a month out and I am training like a beast. My tight shoulders, pectorals and tight hip flexors are slowly coming right but control balance back I suspect is always gonna be a fucking bitch for me. I also have to finish my presentation on Scheuermann's disease, a very interesting topic since one of my clients has it. I always assimilate new information so much better when I can directly, practically apply it. I haven't really gotten much info on Scheuermann's yet but in a nutshell it is a self-limiting disease effecting young males mostly. The thoracic vertebra don't grow equally width wise and end up wedge shaped resulting in a pronounced thoracic kyphosis or a hunchback colloquially. Fortunately It doesn't usually present with pain and the problems are mainly cosmetic. My client has managed to reduce the angle of the kyphosis by 30 Degrees utilizing Pilates and Alexander technique. I love to see it having such a profound, measurable effect on peoples bodies. Sometimes it feels like you are just talking a different language to your clients, you don't always notice the improvements in them as you see them all the time until things like this remind you that what you are doing has an effect.
I haven't really put pics of me on the equipment up before, so I thought i might be nice to add a few
But on happier nerdier notes: I got him galaxy truckers for his birthday which Has proven to be pretty bitchin

I also got him a purple coat that looks so camp and ridiculous that it could be something pilfered from the artist formerly known as prince. Of course he fucking loved it, as do I. Not enough can be said for how awesome gaudy and kitsch stuff can be! Even though it was his birthday he also arrived home with a present for me: abalone shell plugs which I have wanted for ages. Best husband ever! I love organic body jewelry!
The elation at having him home was short lived. Almost as he got home Maeve got really really sick. The offending malady; parvovirus. Parvo is apparently related to the chickenpox virus and It causes sloughing of of the villi of the intestinal mucosa causing severe diarrhea and no nutrient absorption. Coupled with no eating or drinking it spells a 90% mortality rate in untreated animals. Oddly enough it usually effects tan and black breeds more readily than other breeds. So my little collie-shepard combo dog did not stand a chance of not being effected by the local outbreak genetic wise. Fortunately the moment she started getting sick I gave her probiotics and activated charcoal tablets knowing they are good for any GI complaints. When she didn't get that much better, off to the vet she went. The vet gave her antibiotics and sent her home. We didn't suspect parvo as we were under the impression she had received her shots at the shelter where we adopted her and was up to date till end October. If I had checked her record booklet I would have realized this was not the case. She began to show improvement on the antibiotics but relapsed that night. Off to the emergency vet we went. This time I took the medical record booklet with and we ascertained she had received her first set of inoculations against parvo but not her second. We tested and it almost screamed positive. The vet gave us very little hope. Maeve stayed overnight at the emergency vet and from there was carted directly to our normal vet the next day. The 2 nights she was in hospital I spent crying myself to sleep. I really do all I can to look after my dog. We give her quality food, bath her, exercise her. I always am good about taking my babies to the vet when they need it so this oversight on my part really tore me apart, the thought of losing Maeve killed me. To me my animals are my family. Dr Clow, our vet, is a wonderful man. He allowed me to naturally treat Maeve concomitantly with conventional treatment and put up with my in many calls to check in on her. He even went in late at night to his practice to check up on Maeve and keep her company for a while even though he didn't have to. He has developed a soft spot for Maeve, he says she has above average intelligence and a good kisser (perhaps I should be worried about that part) She surprised both the emergency vet and Dr Clow recovering at all let alone so fast.

After my lil dag aged me a decade now you would never know she had been sick. She is still contagious apparently, so for another week still she has to be kept at home, no walks or beach. That means she is raising some hell at home though. I don't mind. At the moment she could get away with murder.
Apart from that Arroia was away for a month as well and I missed her awfully too. She also returned with presents! Croatian butterflies that she knew would be a perfect present for me. A Silver-washed Fritillary and a Scarce Swallowtail. I didn't know how I could keep them so I thought: Skyrim bugs in a jar.

Since she came back we have been busy organizing a little get together to shoot/party for SGZA ladies at the end of November. Both Talamia and Alma are gonna come make some magic. I am pretty excited

Now to go do what I am always doing. Pilates. My comprehensive pilates equipment exam is a month out and I am training like a beast. My tight shoulders, pectorals and tight hip flexors are slowly coming right but control balance back I suspect is always gonna be a fucking bitch for me. I also have to finish my presentation on Scheuermann's disease, a very interesting topic since one of my clients has it. I always assimilate new information so much better when I can directly, practically apply it. I haven't really gotten much info on Scheuermann's yet but in a nutshell it is a self-limiting disease effecting young males mostly. The thoracic vertebra don't grow equally width wise and end up wedge shaped resulting in a pronounced thoracic kyphosis or a hunchback colloquially. Fortunately It doesn't usually present with pain and the problems are mainly cosmetic. My client has managed to reduce the angle of the kyphosis by 30 Degrees utilizing Pilates and Alexander technique. I love to see it having such a profound, measurable effect on peoples bodies. Sometimes it feels like you are just talking a different language to your clients, you don't always notice the improvements in them as you see them all the time until things like this remind you that what you are doing has an effect.
I haven't really put pics of me on the equipment up before, so I thought i might be nice to add a few
Enough shop talk and poignancy. Look at boobs instead. Great boobs:
Also before I accidentally ordered two pairs of coral and abalone plugs. 10 Guage,
They have never been worn. If anybody would like to purchase them please pm me, I would like R70 for them excluding shipping.
I end off with a hobo pic of me and Sylphy stolen by Cuddles when I fell asleep after Kung-Fu waiting for supper...again. Our uniform is seriously crap.
Lumo out.
Galaxy Truckers. Damn. a girl that knows what boys want!!! Brilliant! Looks like I've been missing a lot of new SASG sets!