I am exhausted. From one extreme to the other. No training for almost 2 weeks then a whole weekend of training, followed by training every day subsequently without a break, twice on Monday. Today will also be twice. I am as happy as a pig in poop though.
I went away on a Kung Fu camp this weekend. Physical activity, nature and martial arts together, of course I looked forward to it. For once I did not discover a whole lot of stuff I had forgotten behind. We started off with a swim on the beach and then trained for a bit there too going over applications. We have to love the cheesiness of martial arts training on the beach. It sounds so douchy when you say it but fuck it, it was awesome. Fortunately it was very quiet so we didn't have an audience. Getting from the sand to the water's edge turned from a walk to a jog to a full sprint as the sand almost blistered our feet. For real, while no blisters were apparent we certainly had red welts on the feeties. Sifu laughed and said to consider it part off the training! Needless to say the actual training occurred on the wet part of the sand. For the first time I feel like I actually absorbed Shoa Hong Chuen (Little Red Fist). I also enjoyed the practical defence we learnt for opponents with a knife. It involved a bit of joint locking though which isn't my strong point but still it's useful stuff.
In the evenings I spent my off time wondering around hunting for bush babies. Sadly no bush babies this time but I did see an owl. We also had red duikers watching us whilst we were doing Shoa Hong Chuen too, completely adorable
Sifu then made silly jokes about catching said duiker and wearing its skin as a rite of passage.
I promised I would practice Shoa Hong Chuen every day for a month and I stuck to it so far, for a whole 3 days *pats self on back* which I am proud of. I am also making it my mission to get down into splits position, I am just a little off the ground

so close, it's just eluding me.
Off to play with my new toys now, a magic circle and a foam roller. Despite the dodgy names they are not sex toys but Pilates equipment.
Then I believe I have earned my right to turn into a TV zombie for a wee bit, I want to watch something vapid and silly and wonderful like lost girl.
Btw have a look at Arroia's new set <3 <3 <3 I love her!Ravenous

Instagram pic:
Jesus beams:

follow me lumo_suicide
Lumo out!
I went away on a Kung Fu camp this weekend. Physical activity, nature and martial arts together, of course I looked forward to it. For once I did not discover a whole lot of stuff I had forgotten behind. We started off with a swim on the beach and then trained for a bit there too going over applications. We have to love the cheesiness of martial arts training on the beach. It sounds so douchy when you say it but fuck it, it was awesome. Fortunately it was very quiet so we didn't have an audience. Getting from the sand to the water's edge turned from a walk to a jog to a full sprint as the sand almost blistered our feet. For real, while no blisters were apparent we certainly had red welts on the feeties. Sifu laughed and said to consider it part off the training! Needless to say the actual training occurred on the wet part of the sand. For the first time I feel like I actually absorbed Shoa Hong Chuen (Little Red Fist). I also enjoyed the practical defence we learnt for opponents with a knife. It involved a bit of joint locking though which isn't my strong point but still it's useful stuff.
In the evenings I spent my off time wondering around hunting for bush babies. Sadly no bush babies this time but I did see an owl. We also had red duikers watching us whilst we were doing Shoa Hong Chuen too, completely adorable

I promised I would practice Shoa Hong Chuen every day for a month and I stuck to it so far, for a whole 3 days *pats self on back* which I am proud of. I am also making it my mission to get down into splits position, I am just a little off the ground

so close, it's just eluding me.
Off to play with my new toys now, a magic circle and a foam roller. Despite the dodgy names they are not sex toys but Pilates equipment.
Then I believe I have earned my right to turn into a TV zombie for a wee bit, I want to watch something vapid and silly and wonderful like lost girl.
Btw have a look at Arroia's new set <3 <3 <3 I love her!Ravenous

Instagram pic:
Jesus beams:

follow me lumo_suicide
Lumo out!
Thank you for having me as a bridesmaid. First time and it was super fun! I think you were a beautiful bride. I have some very pretty pics of you but I didn't want to post anything first I sent them to your hubby