Observe me looking haggard and doing Kung-fu things.
I can't believe I am posting these I look like a hobo.
Apart from being harder than usual, training has also had some interesting moments. We did a conditioning exercise that involves inner fore-arm strikes to the ribs directly under the arm. This exercise is not designed for those of us with a fulsome pair of funbags. The side of my poor knockers were thoroughly knocked (I am sorry I cant resist awful puns) At least now we know that boobs too can make a Newtons cradle.
Explaining to your Sifu (the most socially awkward man in the universe) why you are having difficulty with an exercise due to your boobs is interesting. We are learning a Crane form at the moment. It's incredibly beautiful if executed correctly but we all look ridiculous at the moment. We are not doing crane, so much as chicken-fu. All and all great fodder for delirious moments of hilarity.
Also in case anyone was wondering: glutamine tastes like semen. Vassilis and I realized we both had come to that conclusion the other day. If I am unfriended due to excessive use of bad puns in this blog, I understand and I forgive you!
I stopped doing push-ups and working long enough to have a Durban SGZA meet-up; Photographic proof:
It was really exciting to finally put a face to some of the people I talk to on the site:
Now I am man down with the dreaded lurgy so I am going to pump myself full of hippie meds and honey for my sore throat and sleep/read
Sick Lumo-wuss
Cayenne, Ginger, lemon and honey tea
Often I believe that wonderful sets just slip through the cracks for silly insignificant reasons, so If you haven't gone and had a look at these sets please do, I only mention a few here but really there are so many!