Oh shat it\'s a blog! Pppttt, like anyone\'s gonna read it.
Well, posting a bunch of stuff up in the pics. Got a bit of the fan art up *hooray*. It\'s not that great, I\'d like it to be better, but it\'s as good as it gets untill I get better.
I\'m rather proud of em all, cause it\'s been a long time since I picked up that \'ol pencil and notebook. I promise I\'ll be getting better as time goes on. It\'s the effort that counts, right? Right.
And I know ever loves the peanut butter and wheaties sandwich. I can give you the recipe if you like!
Bread, peanut butter, wheaties. In that order. If you can\'t figure it out, then you have a -4 to your Intelligence modifier. That means my cat is smarter than you.
Well, posting a bunch of stuff up in the pics. Got a bit of the fan art up *hooray*. It\'s not that great, I\'d like it to be better, but it\'s as good as it gets untill I get better.

I\'m rather proud of em all, cause it\'s been a long time since I picked up that \'ol pencil and notebook. I promise I\'ll be getting better as time goes on. It\'s the effort that counts, right? Right.
And I know ever loves the peanut butter and wheaties sandwich. I can give you the recipe if you like!
Bread, peanut butter, wheaties. In that order. If you can\'t figure it out, then you have a -4 to your Intelligence modifier. That means my cat is smarter than you.

hey our B-days are coming up