Man, it's been a busy week. This is crunch time, so I probably won't be updating every day like I normally do. Silly overtime.
Week in reveiw:
I almost got fired because a co-worker had a grudge. That was interesting, but now I'm going to get him fired because he doesn't do shit all day long. Fucker.
I've been working really, really late hours all week; I don't think I've left work before 2am any day this week, save today. This really starts to bother you when you have to be back at 8am the next day. Oh well, I guess I'm getting rich in the meatime.
I've found out how much my bosses really like me, which is comforting, on many levels. During the above co-worker incident, my boss Mike, his boss Andrew, and his boss Tom all fought for my job. They all knew that the co-worker was just being a dick, but it had gotten out of hand pretty fast. I felt really awesome that my bosses cared enough to stand up for a lowly contractor.
Somewhat related to my bosses really liking me, I got a semi-promotion today. Since it's crunch time, we recruited another lab full of testers to give us a hand on the project, for the next few weeks. My bosses asked me to head up the lab, so I'm now in charge of 8 guys, all by myself. While I didn't get a real promotion, like a raise or anything, it means I've got a lot more responsibility. This means I'm much more visible to my bosses, which is totally awesome. My boss Mike is trying to get me on his game, shortly after we're done with this one; I love my job.
Sin City was last night, and I can't believe how awesome it was. Trevallion said it best; it's probably the best comic book movie I've ever seen. They took no artistic license with the movie, it's almost scene for scene the same as the graphic novels. I'm really glad the Frank Miller didn't let anyone fuck up his genius-ness. And there were so many hot people! And lots of boobies!
Today, I spent most of the day reorganizing my new lab at work. See, the guys we got were already working on something else, but their project was done a week or two ago. This lab was a fucking pig stye! There was trash everywhere! And then there was the mess of TV's, Devkits, computers, cables, hubs and routers, you name it. I have rarely seen a less organized work space. So I recruited Toby, and Mike, and we spent about 6 hours cleaning and re-wiring everything. We took every computer station apart, restrung the network cables, and everything else. All in all, we consolidated, and cleaned this place. Now it's much more livable. I wish I would have remembered to bring my camera to work; some before and after pictures would be awesome.
So tomarrow I have the day off, since our Developers are being lazy fuckheads. While this is nice, since I'll be able to re-re-dye my hair again, and do some laundry, it puts us just one more build behind schedule. *sigh*
I need to fix my car.
Week in reveiw:
I almost got fired because a co-worker had a grudge. That was interesting, but now I'm going to get him fired because he doesn't do shit all day long. Fucker.
I've been working really, really late hours all week; I don't think I've left work before 2am any day this week, save today. This really starts to bother you when you have to be back at 8am the next day. Oh well, I guess I'm getting rich in the meatime.
I've found out how much my bosses really like me, which is comforting, on many levels. During the above co-worker incident, my boss Mike, his boss Andrew, and his boss Tom all fought for my job. They all knew that the co-worker was just being a dick, but it had gotten out of hand pretty fast. I felt really awesome that my bosses cared enough to stand up for a lowly contractor.
Somewhat related to my bosses really liking me, I got a semi-promotion today. Since it's crunch time, we recruited another lab full of testers to give us a hand on the project, for the next few weeks. My bosses asked me to head up the lab, so I'm now in charge of 8 guys, all by myself. While I didn't get a real promotion, like a raise or anything, it means I've got a lot more responsibility. This means I'm much more visible to my bosses, which is totally awesome. My boss Mike is trying to get me on his game, shortly after we're done with this one; I love my job.
Sin City was last night, and I can't believe how awesome it was. Trevallion said it best; it's probably the best comic book movie I've ever seen. They took no artistic license with the movie, it's almost scene for scene the same as the graphic novels. I'm really glad the Frank Miller didn't let anyone fuck up his genius-ness. And there were so many hot people! And lots of boobies!
Today, I spent most of the day reorganizing my new lab at work. See, the guys we got were already working on something else, but their project was done a week or two ago. This lab was a fucking pig stye! There was trash everywhere! And then there was the mess of TV's, Devkits, computers, cables, hubs and routers, you name it. I have rarely seen a less organized work space. So I recruited Toby, and Mike, and we spent about 6 hours cleaning and re-wiring everything. We took every computer station apart, restrung the network cables, and everything else. All in all, we consolidated, and cleaned this place. Now it's much more livable. I wish I would have remembered to bring my camera to work; some before and after pictures would be awesome.
So tomarrow I have the day off, since our Developers are being lazy fuckheads. While this is nice, since I'll be able to re-re-dye my hair again, and do some laundry, it puts us just one more build behind schedule. *sigh*
I need to fix my car.
yeah so I have heard

lol yes they have