Why do you get all the love in the world?
Why do you get all the love in the world?
I went to the NIN With Teeth listening party tonight, at EMP. It wasn't actually at EMP, which was dissapointing. I was hoping to be able to listen to it inside Sky Church, but it had some exhibit in it. It was actually in a big room in the Sci-Fi Museum, which was still cool as hell. Got there about 7, which was not nearly early enough. I thought half an hour would be good, since this thing wasn't really advertised anywhere but the NIN website. The first thing I saw, after getting in line to pre-order, was the giant screen, with a broken NIN logo on it. It was pulsating, and looking all badass.
About half way through the line, they started playing a clip reel, which I thought was really cool. To me it looked like chronological singles, but I could totally be wrong. I can't remember back far enough. They showed clips from Broken, Perfect Drug, Hurt, all kinds of stuff, even some old and new Live footage. I pre-ordered two copies of the album ahead of time, since it was a local independant shop that was doing them; a place called Sonic Boom. They're really awesome people, and I love supporting them. Not to mention that limited edition vinyl looked mighty tasty.
The clip reel ended with The Hand That Feeds, which in Hi-Res on a giant screen looks gorgeous. There was alot in the video that I hadn't noticed before, and seeing some of the other visual "ripple" effects was really cool. I'll definately have to source a DVD of the video at some point.
Then came the main event, With Teeth, before it's release. The crowd was really loud at this point already, just from wathcing the last video. I have to say, the album starts off amazing, with this really cool piano-based track. The album sounds very electronic, very industrial; I love it. It's very different than The Fragile, but Trent said it would be. It's not a big soundscape, and the songs don't lead into one another like that album. It sounds much more like TDS, or The Perfect Drug, than The Fragile. It's very heavy-handed in some parts, but there are others where he works wonders with a Piano.
But I was just plain impressed by how good it sounded. He used alot of layers in his voice for most of the songs, which I loved. Lyrically, I think it's got alot of The Fragile in it, but it's newer; he's grown alot since then. It's not depressing, but alot of self-questioning. The first track on the album was by far my favorite, followed by the last. All in all, it's probably the best NIN album I've heard, and I really mean that. So much, that half way through the listening party, I pre-ordered two more copies.
This is going to be big, I can feel it. I've waited so long for a new NIN album, and now after hearing the whole thing, I'm even more anxious.
Why do you get all the love in the world?
I went to the NIN With Teeth listening party tonight, at EMP. It wasn't actually at EMP, which was dissapointing. I was hoping to be able to listen to it inside Sky Church, but it had some exhibit in it. It was actually in a big room in the Sci-Fi Museum, which was still cool as hell. Got there about 7, which was not nearly early enough. I thought half an hour would be good, since this thing wasn't really advertised anywhere but the NIN website. The first thing I saw, after getting in line to pre-order, was the giant screen, with a broken NIN logo on it. It was pulsating, and looking all badass.
About half way through the line, they started playing a clip reel, which I thought was really cool. To me it looked like chronological singles, but I could totally be wrong. I can't remember back far enough. They showed clips from Broken, Perfect Drug, Hurt, all kinds of stuff, even some old and new Live footage. I pre-ordered two copies of the album ahead of time, since it was a local independant shop that was doing them; a place called Sonic Boom. They're really awesome people, and I love supporting them. Not to mention that limited edition vinyl looked mighty tasty.
The clip reel ended with The Hand That Feeds, which in Hi-Res on a giant screen looks gorgeous. There was alot in the video that I hadn't noticed before, and seeing some of the other visual "ripple" effects was really cool. I'll definately have to source a DVD of the video at some point.
Then came the main event, With Teeth, before it's release. The crowd was really loud at this point already, just from wathcing the last video. I have to say, the album starts off amazing, with this really cool piano-based track. The album sounds very electronic, very industrial; I love it. It's very different than The Fragile, but Trent said it would be. It's not a big soundscape, and the songs don't lead into one another like that album. It sounds much more like TDS, or The Perfect Drug, than The Fragile. It's very heavy-handed in some parts, but there are others where he works wonders with a Piano.
But I was just plain impressed by how good it sounded. He used alot of layers in his voice for most of the songs, which I loved. Lyrically, I think it's got alot of The Fragile in it, but it's newer; he's grown alot since then. It's not depressing, but alot of self-questioning. The first track on the album was by far my favorite, followed by the last. All in all, it's probably the best NIN album I've heard, and I really mean that. So much, that half way through the listening party, I pre-ordered two more copies.
This is going to be big, I can feel it. I've waited so long for a new NIN album, and now after hearing the whole thing, I'm even more anxious.
Any chance of letting the world get to know yours?