I love my job.

Yesterday, I went to the store. I bought some candy.

I had a meatball sub for lunch. Toasty indeed.

Sunday I worked on the Rabbit for most of the day. I fixed about half the stuff I needed to do before I punctured the gas tank while trying to install the exhaust. Great. Guess I'll have to scrounge the gas tank off the Phoenix. The car remains on jackstands for another week.

Sunday was also laundry day. Archy likes to roll around in the laundry, I don't know why.

I think they just like to roll around in general. I love my cats.

I'm becoming addicted to fasion magazines. That LA Confidential one is cool though; and huge. It's like 14" x 10"!

<3 porn. I got some more magazines for the wall; playboy has awesome ads, and every other issue or so they have some cool pinup art.

<3 porn.

I found that when I got home. I'm so excited! My week is now complete.
My ipod comes in the mail tomarrow, according to Fedex. I'm giddy. I think I'm going to get a peircing or something on Thursday or Friday.
That's enough for tonight. Back in a few days with more adventures.
also, even with the certificate, you should tip. it's polite.
i have 2 of those certificate thingies (actually i have three, but last time i checked you only have two nipples).
i know you work a lot, but try to get some sleep the night before.