Tired again. I think I'm getting sick; I've got a mouth full of cold sores, and I always get those before I get really sick.

Only like my favorite band ever. I've been listening to their most recent album for like two weeks now, nonstop. I can't get Deathblow out of my head. There's something about the discord that they have a certain flare for, it just sounds so good. It takes some getting used to, but the more you listen, the more you love what you hear.
I bought a car, but it's broke enough that I really can't drive it much. I've got a person or two that seem interested in a project; we'll see how that pans out. In the mean time, I guess I'll save up to buy a car. Again.
In other news, I have a stalker. This is an interesting turn of events, if only because it makes life a little more interesting. Gran Turismo 4 comes on on Tuesday, at which point I'll need to buy another PS2. I'm quite sure whatever social life I may have thought I had will be quite well gone for a while after that; ideally so. I can dream about cars I can't afford, and modify them with money that I don't have. It'll be great.

I cut my hair again, now it looks funny. It used to be easy to cut my own hair, but now that it's a little longer, I think it might be a bad idea. I need to redye it again. I need to shave; everywhere. I'm also tired of my nail polish chipping all to hell the day after I paint my goddamn nails. I know I'm a guy, and I'm not supposed to be prissy, but for fucks sake. I spend a whole afternoon/evening clipping, filing, painting, and the next day it starts to come off. Maybe I just need better nail polish.
Constantine tomarrow. I can't wait. As much as I want to see this movie, I think I'm going to be a little bit dissapointed from the start. In the Hellblazer comics, John Constantine is a womanizing, smoking, alcoholic bastard. Just an all around not nice guy. I just don't see Mr. Reeves portraying that very well; but the trailers still look damn good.

The weekend is coming, I can't wait. Not that I have anything particular to look foreward to, but I really just want to have a weekend. It'll either be spent doing laundry and playing video games, or buying car parts, and fixing the beater. It might also include dinner, movies, friends, and other interesting things that I can't guess at. The potential that any given weekend has is what I look foreward to.
The week in recap: Monday was spend drinking with buddies from work. None of us had any plans for v-day, so we decided getting wasted and hitting on each other was better than staying at home, hitting on guys. Perhaps this was not the best course of action. I cleaned my friends room, and found out he slept with a 15 year old in Japan. I am now supremely jaded. Tuesday was hangover day, and the same went for most of my coworkers. I am now out of leftover booze from new years. Wensday consisted of me getting up at 5:30 to get krispy kremes for the co-workers, since we had to be there by 7; much earlier than our normal time. I was soon dissapointed, when shortly after, one of the idiot co-workers ate like 6 of the doughnuts. Asshole. Thursday, payday. This is a significant event in any week. Tomarrow, I'll probably make some more gay jokes at my overly homophobic co-workers, and then go see a movie with null. Maybe Fatburger too. I haven't been there in a while.
Also, unbeknownst to me, the space between a and lot is one of the most important topics known to mankind. Crazy.

Time for bed. I need some sleep like crazy.
lol yeah I guess
you can hear my voice on my journal now