Ack! OK, uhm, where to start?
One, members review!
Catch 909, featuring yours truly,
with a cameo from the infamously gorgeous Zoetica.
Have I been MIA? Yes. 2009 kicked my ass. It was the best and worst and most chaotic year ever. 2007 was hell in its own special way, but 2009 was that magnified by so much more. It was so dramatic that for once I'm unable to describe any of it, which is unlike my formerly chatty and open self. I wasn't just MIA here, but MIA in all ways, everywhere, anywhere. I was ... changing and growing, as they call it ... but that was at fucking *breakneck* speed! Again, I'm sorry for being all lame with emails and communication. I hadn't any words for anyone or anything for a long time ... I WAS STRESSED THE FUCK OUT. *breathes* I still am, actually, but things are looking up, I think.
I hope? Scratch that, 2010 will kick freaking ass, but not MINE! Please don't take it personally that I haven't been in touch; I cannot stress enough on how stressed I was
Epic stressed out ... and just recently, to top it all off: absolutely *heartbroken*.
(I like to put smiley faces next to depressing sentences.

Many thanks & kisses to Zoetica and her genius as always.
That's it for now.
Also, I'm more likely to be found on flickr, twitter and posterous. xoxo!
One, members review!

with a cameo from the infamously gorgeous Zoetica.
Have I been MIA? Yes. 2009 kicked my ass. It was the best and worst and most chaotic year ever. 2007 was hell in its own special way, but 2009 was that magnified by so much more. It was so dramatic that for once I'm unable to describe any of it, which is unlike my formerly chatty and open self. I wasn't just MIA here, but MIA in all ways, everywhere, anywhere. I was ... changing and growing, as they call it ... but that was at fucking *breakneck* speed! Again, I'm sorry for being all lame with emails and communication. I hadn't any words for anyone or anything for a long time ... I WAS STRESSED THE FUCK OUT. *breathes* I still am, actually, but things are looking up, I think.

(I like to put smiley faces next to depressing sentences.

Many thanks & kisses to Zoetica and her genius as always.
That's it for now.
Also, I'm more likely to be found on flickr, twitter and posterous. xoxo!

Love your XIX set Lumi!
So beautiful.
Hope you are doing well!