Last two years were....uh. Never knew time can pass so slow and fast at the same time. That life can be so uneventful and yet so much change to happen in a short time. Hopefully better times are coming.
I am not much of a "resolution" person, I don't wait for a new year to make changes I need. But I like setting goals. It helps me focus. So here are some things I decided to put on the list, and I'd like to revisit this in December and see how that went :D
1. Put out 1 more new set on SG (not really counting on becoming pink since my sets are self shot due to these times but cant hurt to try hehe)
2. Reach 2000 followers here (the more the merrier!)
3. Get another tattoo (even a small one!)
4. Put the board game I'm making into production (or at least have finished concept by then)
5. Reach my goal weight (stay at hoe life and being addicted to crap food doesn't end well apparently )
6. Payout my apartment loan (or at least good part of it AKA start saving better D:)
7. Make my teenage dream come true and buy a new pair of New Rock boots xD
8. Be happier.
Well, here we go... :)