Yay abundance of mail! Today, I not only got a package simply chock full 'o geeky goodness (from one of the bestest sites ever... jinx.com) but my friend who is living in Germany also sent me a German porn magazine. But it gets better. Since it was all in German (duh) she replaced all the voice bubbles (yes, voice bubbles.) coming (er... cumming?) out of the "ladies" mouths with her own hand written voice bubbles personalized just for me!
Considering she mails all my letters from her husband's office on the American army base, I am SHOCKED it got through customs.
I feel so very loved.
Written on back of porno mag: "I'm way, way too attractive to actually appear inside this rag- I'm just here to entice you to buy it! Ha ha, sucker!"
Considering she mails all my letters from her husband's office on the American army base, I am SHOCKED it got through customs.
I feel so very loved.
Written on back of porno mag: "I'm way, way too attractive to actually appear inside this rag- I'm just here to entice you to buy it! Ha ha, sucker!"

hi there! how's your summer?

Hey lady, nice to see things are going your way. Hope that life is kind to you these days.