Hello funseekers...
So. What'd I miss?
Feeling a little lost on the site seeing as it's been, oh, several years since I've been hanging around this joint. I'm thinking I'd like to dust of the fancy panties and try for another photoshoot, but I don't even know where to begin! Concept? Photographer? Where does one find a photographer these days?
How does one even get caught up after such a long hiatus? Well, let's try this. If I'm me, and SG is an old friend I haven't seen in years, I think our conversation would go a little like this:
LuluMae: SG!
SG: LuluMae!
LM: Hey SG, what have you been up to these days?
SG: Well, I've been hanging out with thousands of attractive, sassy, bold, scantily-clad dames. How about you?
LM: Uhh. Well, I still have my cutie-patootie sidekick, Princess Ruby-Woo. I got my degree. Got a big-girl job. Dated a couple guys. Got broken up with by a couple of guys. Moved twice. Got out of debt, got back into debt. Went through two cars, two jobs, one computer monitor and about 24 toothbrushes. Cut off my hair. Grew out my hair. Dyed my hair blond. Got some new tattoos. Took out a few piercings. Changed the music in my Ipod a few times.
SG: Wow LuluMae. Sounds fascinating. *sarcastic eye-roll*
LM: No wait! I started ballroom dancing, finally got around to watching "Annie Hall", discovered tranquilizers, and found a *really* great recipe for carrot raisin muffins.
SG: Sounds like you could pretty much die today and feel fulfilled.
LM: But... they're made with whole wheat flour and yet they're STILL MOIST.
SG: Yeah cool. See you in another few years.
LM: Oh. Yeah. Okay. Cool.

So. What'd I miss?
Feeling a little lost on the site seeing as it's been, oh, several years since I've been hanging around this joint. I'm thinking I'd like to dust of the fancy panties and try for another photoshoot, but I don't even know where to begin! Concept? Photographer? Where does one find a photographer these days?
How does one even get caught up after such a long hiatus? Well, let's try this. If I'm me, and SG is an old friend I haven't seen in years, I think our conversation would go a little like this:
LuluMae: SG!
SG: LuluMae!
LM: Hey SG, what have you been up to these days?
SG: Well, I've been hanging out with thousands of attractive, sassy, bold, scantily-clad dames. How about you?
LM: Uhh. Well, I still have my cutie-patootie sidekick, Princess Ruby-Woo. I got my degree. Got a big-girl job. Dated a couple guys. Got broken up with by a couple of guys. Moved twice. Got out of debt, got back into debt. Went through two cars, two jobs, one computer monitor and about 24 toothbrushes. Cut off my hair. Grew out my hair. Dyed my hair blond. Got some new tattoos. Took out a few piercings. Changed the music in my Ipod a few times.
SG: Wow LuluMae. Sounds fascinating. *sarcastic eye-roll*
LM: No wait! I started ballroom dancing, finally got around to watching "Annie Hall", discovered tranquilizers, and found a *really* great recipe for carrot raisin muffins.
SG: Sounds like you could pretty much die today and feel fulfilled.
LM: But... they're made with whole wheat flour and yet they're STILL MOIST.
SG: Yeah cool. See you in another few years.
LM: Oh. Yeah. Okay. Cool.


hello you, I hope you pop by again and post an up-date soon. love to hear how your life as changed and where you are at now.