Hey Kids!
I'm back and I'm ready to get my SG-action on. I did a photo shoot for www.capitalcityrollergirls.com and discovered a talented photographer who would like to shoot a set for me. I'm nervous, because I'm afraid it won't be up to current (and f-ing fantastic) SG standards, but I'll try my darndest.
Without getting to personal, I'll recap my year. One year away from a Social Work degree, and STILL excited to be in the program (have I finally decided what I want to be when I grow up?) I have been doing some intense and lonely caregiving for my Mum this past year. Well, past 5 years, but this one was bad. She's in a care facility now and after a couple years of forgetting who I was in lieu of being the cook, the maid and the nurse, I think LuluMae has actually returned. I missed her. I kinda miss being "fabulous" in the false eyelash and curler kinda way.
I'm going to go get myself reaquainted with the site.
Uuuh... how are you guys doing?
I'm back and I'm ready to get my SG-action on. I did a photo shoot for www.capitalcityrollergirls.com and discovered a talented photographer who would like to shoot a set for me. I'm nervous, because I'm afraid it won't be up to current (and f-ing fantastic) SG standards, but I'll try my darndest.
Without getting to personal, I'll recap my year. One year away from a Social Work degree, and STILL excited to be in the program (have I finally decided what I want to be when I grow up?) I have been doing some intense and lonely caregiving for my Mum this past year. Well, past 5 years, but this one was bad. She's in a care facility now and after a couple years of forgetting who I was in lieu of being the cook, the maid and the nurse, I think LuluMae has actually returned. I missed her. I kinda miss being "fabulous" in the false eyelash and curler kinda way.
I'm going to go get myself reaquainted with the site.
Uuuh... how are you guys doing?
