For all you locals...
Okay, so I know tomorrow is Saturday and everyone wants to drink their faces off tonight and sleep all day tomorrow. The thing is, it's the third anniversary of Bush sending troops to Iraq. And it's a key time for us Canadians, because Stephen Harper has been openly and publicly supporting sending Canadians overseas (without much consultation with the government or, of course, Canadian voters).
If you in ANY WAY have strong feelings about the fact that North America is participating in this war under false pretences (*gasp*, but you mean.... maybe Bush has other reasons than "bringing the 'terrorists' to justice"? Also known as the most general and non-specific statement ever) then please please please haul your ass down to a big anti-war protest tomorrow. It starts at Centennial Square at noon, and we'll be marching to the Parlaiment buildings.
All those people out there who randomly bash American politics... put your goddamn money where your mouth is and do something meaningful for two hours- less time it takes to watch a movie in the theatre. It's one thing to say that Bush is an idiot, it's another to show him (and our Bush-lovin' PM) what we really think. There are people who commit their entire day, every day, to bringing peace and social justice to our communities. Isn't it the least we can do to show our support for a couple hours?
Alright, I'm climbing off my soap box now. Remember, If you want peace, WORK for Justice.
XOX-LuluMae (and Dora, who will be sporting pins saying "Impeach the Mother Fucker" and "Puglet for Peace")
Okay, so I know tomorrow is Saturday and everyone wants to drink their faces off tonight and sleep all day tomorrow. The thing is, it's the third anniversary of Bush sending troops to Iraq. And it's a key time for us Canadians, because Stephen Harper has been openly and publicly supporting sending Canadians overseas (without much consultation with the government or, of course, Canadian voters).
If you in ANY WAY have strong feelings about the fact that North America is participating in this war under false pretences (*gasp*, but you mean.... maybe Bush has other reasons than "bringing the 'terrorists' to justice"? Also known as the most general and non-specific statement ever) then please please please haul your ass down to a big anti-war protest tomorrow. It starts at Centennial Square at noon, and we'll be marching to the Parlaiment buildings.
All those people out there who randomly bash American politics... put your goddamn money where your mouth is and do something meaningful for two hours- less time it takes to watch a movie in the theatre. It's one thing to say that Bush is an idiot, it's another to show him (and our Bush-lovin' PM) what we really think. There are people who commit their entire day, every day, to bringing peace and social justice to our communities. Isn't it the least we can do to show our support for a couple hours?
Alright, I'm climbing off my soap box now. Remember, If you want peace, WORK for Justice.
XOX-LuluMae (and Dora, who will be sporting pins saying "Impeach the Mother Fucker" and "Puglet for Peace")
Update already... SHEESH!
Miss you!