I'm thinking of getting pierced. Do you all think I could pull off a jeweled monroe and matching lip stud? I already have my nose so it would look something like this ...
...only instead of it being this girl it would be me. the main thing I want is my lip but I really like this freckle on the left side of my lip that I couldn't bear to cover up so it belongs on the right side which happens to be the same side as my nose stud which would just look silly(no offence to others who have just those. I'm sure it looks great on you but I doubt I could pull that particular look off). Which is why I'm thinking of tossing a Monroe in the mix which would be more that happy to balance out the left side of my face. I like the look of all 3 but I don't know if it would suit my face or style. I tend to be more of an indie artsy wannabe hippie at heart kind of girl who could and probably should wear Chanel and Givenchy and most definitely would if I could afford it. Could Holly Golightly pull off a face full of diamonds? Probably so long as they were purchased from Tiffany's. But the better question to ask: Could I?

your support is greatly appreciated
and i thought what you wrote was sooo sweet