Feeling way better. Mental spa does wonders and of course it rained and seeing as I love the rain my happiness overcame the unpleasantness of being sick. Also I had a kick ass day at work and talked up a storm in between sniffles so indulging in my talkaholism is always good.
comix Jam tomorrow night and hump night after. It's sort of second date with the girl from last Thursday. I still don't know what to wear haha but I got some cute new panties and I'm thinking the black french lace so I just need to wear something that matches with those
If you're lucky you might see them in a set (you'll probably see them in a set. they're too cute not to share with the world)
Anywho I have to be awake and ready for work in 6 hours so sleep sounds like a good idea. Enjoy your Wednesday
Lula May
comix Jam tomorrow night and hump night after. It's sort of second date with the girl from last Thursday. I still don't know what to wear haha but I got some cute new panties and I'm thinking the black french lace so I just need to wear something that matches with those

Anywho I have to be awake and ready for work in 6 hours so sleep sounds like a good idea. Enjoy your Wednesday
Lula May
Glad to know you're feeling better! Good luck on your date!
thanks but apparently the post was in vain. I'm feeling better but not well enough to go out and so the date has been rescheduled. On an optimistic note I won't have to worry about what to wear...well I'll get to procrastinate the eventual decision anyway