Still fighting computer problems. Can't say I had a great birthday the day of--but Neo and I went to see Bonnie Raitt and Taj Mahal a couple days later--seats five rows from the stage right in the middle. Loved them both. I have a cat named "Taj" after Taj Mahal, so you could say I'm a fan. Both were absolutely wonderful.
The rest of the summer has sucked beyond belief. Bad computer issues, money issues, name-the-issue and I've dealt with or am dealing with it.
Sorry to disappear, but between the computer problems and all the other stuff, ...can you spell "overload?!"
Thanks, all of you, for the b'day wishes and the notes, in spite of my absence. I still won't be on here a lot right away until we get the computers fixed (soon, I hope). We've been trying to get them fixed for a month, and no luck so far. Do that voodoo you guys do so well--out, out, computer hackers and gremlins! (now dance around naked or something...whatever your personal voodoo choice is.)
The rest of the summer has sucked beyond belief. Bad computer issues, money issues, name-the-issue and I've dealt with or am dealing with it.
Sorry to disappear, but between the computer problems and all the other stuff, ...can you spell "overload?!"
Thanks, all of you, for the b'day wishes and the notes, in spite of my absence. I still won't be on here a lot right away until we get the computers fixed (soon, I hope). We've been trying to get them fixed for a month, and no luck so far. Do that voodoo you guys do so well--out, out, computer hackers and gremlins! (now dance around naked or something...whatever your personal voodoo choice is.)
big smiles in cowtown
for the girl with an electric bill among her undies
and electrifying ideas up her her velvet sleeve