Still alive, all. House projects taking up time (and killing my sinuses. Damned allergies!) I haven't forgotten all of you, I swear! I hope you haven't all forgotten me! (though I probably deserve it.) Wish I could say we'd been off travelling Europe or something, but no... Here. Trying not to spend too much money. Working on the house.
Boring, boring, boring, I'm afraid. Sigh.
Boring, boring, boring, I'm afraid. Sigh.

***Sung to a hard rock/country beat***
Cause I ain't bben around and ain't got no good excuse
I been sittin here bored when I wish I was a knockin boots
doodle lee dooo
Hope you life outside of here is going pretty good. Hope ya been havin some fun!
Thank you for the encouragement. I can't tell you how draining this past weekend was. I don't ever want to feel that way again, but there are no guarantiies I won't. I appreciate your and everyone else's support. I couldn't have made it this far without it.
Not to worry. Speaking for myself, it would be impossible to forget you. You're too good a friend.