I am pretending to be a visual artist these days. With Neo around and Boss upstairs, I'm surrounded by ongoing visual image bombardment. I should stick to my forte, of course, and write, but nooooo. I come up with this bright idea involving female pin ups cropped and cut into body parts, basically, for a collage, to then be handed over to Neo for him to have his painterly way with it---and he takes me up on it.
I'm using vintage images, mostly, so, no, no SG girls will end up cut to pieces in my "creation." At least I can say I got the idea from a Margaret Atwood essay called "The Female Body," which is both hilarious and slightly disturbing all at the same time. So, I was inspired by writing, even if I'm not writing and practicing the art form I spent many years studying, doing, producing, revising, publishing, etc. No, I'm doing crop, cut, paste, and rolling my eyes at myself over it all. Neo swears I have a great eye, and has been trying to get me into photography for years, and Boss is making use of some of my set suggestions for photo shoots, saying I have great visual ideas, but ---meh--they live with me and have to be nice. Ha.
What the hell, though. I'm enjoying looking at all the images of the girls. And, given the fact this place is the "House of Blues" lately, minus the good music part--this is arts and crafts therapy. Neo and Boss are trying to keep me occupied and distracted, I think. Personally, I think the art world would be better off if I just took a xanax or two and sat outside watching the kittens play while not abusing my "creativity," or the artworld in this way. But fuck it. I'm rather enjoying cutting women into parts right now....heh, heh, heh
I'm using vintage images, mostly, so, no, no SG girls will end up cut to pieces in my "creation." At least I can say I got the idea from a Margaret Atwood essay called "The Female Body," which is both hilarious and slightly disturbing all at the same time. So, I was inspired by writing, even if I'm not writing and practicing the art form I spent many years studying, doing, producing, revising, publishing, etc. No, I'm doing crop, cut, paste, and rolling my eyes at myself over it all. Neo swears I have a great eye, and has been trying to get me into photography for years, and Boss is making use of some of my set suggestions for photo shoots, saying I have great visual ideas, but ---meh--they live with me and have to be nice. Ha.
What the hell, though. I'm enjoying looking at all the images of the girls. And, given the fact this place is the "House of Blues" lately, minus the good music part--this is arts and crafts therapy. Neo and Boss are trying to keep me occupied and distracted, I think. Personally, I think the art world would be better off if I just took a xanax or two and sat outside watching the kittens play while not abusing my "creativity," or the artworld in this way. But fuck it. I'm rather enjoying cutting women into parts right now....heh, heh, heh

Thanks for your lovely comment Luky, it meant a lot to me. It's indeed been a trying time as of late which has actually spanned almost a years time at this juncture! I know things will look brighter after a bit; it's just all so overwhelming sometimes right now. I really appreciate your kind thoughts towards Ryan as well!
Hope all is well in your world...please give my love to Neo, too
I got you moma/bday wish. thanks. Like you I have been scarce lately. I work about 50 hours per week these days, and being a single mom... I just don't have a much time to play on line these days. But I am still interested in whats going on in SG land. Its still a fun place to visit.