well i move today so i might not write for a few days, not that ihave as of late cause i have been on vacation but i will fix that when i get my new place set up so love ya.
fuck i hate going to sea, its so long and the lack of women is so evil it hurt, plus the lack of sleep kills. so sorry about not telling any one i was going im not supose to tell when the lil sub guy leaves, dems the rules. ok so i need so realy food 80 days o boat food is just wrong.
Oups... I wanted to say "there's no Internet"... Me and my bad jokes ...
I've been up and down a lot lately... but over all I'm good...
I'm suppose to go to New-York tomorrow but they just told me my birth certificate isn't valid (Well it is in Canada, but the U.S. won't take it) So now I have to search my house to find my other copy in hope that it would be ok. I'm so angry at the U.S. right now
fuck work has been crazy and soon its time to go to sea,im not reay yet, i am just now feeling better about so many things. it figures though,i mean shit lets get shit together so i can then spend a lager amount of time under water, no light of day for months, and the worst part the lack of any female voice.ok well speakin... Read More
so this week has been crazy, the black hole has returned, i love it and hate it all in one, i have been pist some much this week, but my sides hurt from laughing. some time i think i have to be crazy to do this job. ok so i havent writin one of these in what like ah week or so, well heres the... Read More
soon, soon is time for work of meaning. in ah time not far from now,ah time were my hands will be worn, in to the late night whenmy legs no longer want to move and my body will shake, ah time when i feel most alive. my blood will mix with steel and oil, and it will be payment for a safe trip. a trip... Read More
ok so dont tell anybody,well not like anyone i know-know reads this anyway but im a total closet case emo kid, you not the cutin my self and and sad all the time biz. i am more a happily depressed kinda guy, i live alone and listento sad music. so i watched the movie juno tonight, i wanted to cry, that girl was so fuckin....cool.... Read More
ok so this weekend has been good,although it was ah bit shy on the oppisite sex, which is ah bummer.
but there was drinkin and fire. i love fire, its so aswome with all it wonderful with all its majisty.
so now its back to the dirt ball hell that i call my place of residence. i hate my life.
ok so far this week has been hell at work, crazy paper work and stupid people. i hate when people make things harder because they cant use there head, i mean i am a man of logic in acounts, not the smartest person but i can see how things work. and the people above me are a bit stupid, i know they know better, but... Read More
i have ah question, right so when you revert back to ah state of being that you thought you surpassed. does that mean the places you went were wrong. maybe you back pedle because you were going the right way but then you got turned in the wrong direction? fuck if i know, but imback were i was. crazy as ever to boot i think,... Read More