So its been one week now since I got married, still feeld the same, they say it will hit you but I'm not so sure. It was a very spur of the moment thing, I said hey let's get married and two days later I am, its kinda how I am though. I wore a grey and black jacket with black slacks and my gradfathers black gator shoes which I love, there older than I am, I had to get them repaired a few years ago. She wore a white dress with purple flowers on it and white chucks.I will try to put some pictures up when I get my computer back from the shop, this is all phone fun right now. I'm out.
ok so, i have been trying to get ready for the move, why cant this be easy? it was but know i a whole person to take with me, more paper, i hate paper work. but hey know im gettin a house instead of a apartment, that means more tool. the thought of that brought a small tear of joy. but now im worried about the bronco, its big but can i really drive a child around in it, i guess i could but the v-dub is more child friendly. shit. this soon to be a dad thing has got me all crazy, plus im trying to stop smoking, i am a little on edge... i wanna rip some bodys arm's off.