so the weather here is mega shitty but at least no rain cause i pulled the top off my bronco. i hope it harms up today cause i bought like 300 dollars yesterday so i could nuts today. this weather bullshit better get better, i mean really bad weather on my vaction is just not cool, im mean realy who does that. aslp so the squarl's buddy mash is down from PA an he has never seen the ocean so we are going to the beach re-gaurdless of the weather, gonna take him to this place i know were the river an the ocean meet. its mega awsome cause there are all kinds o sea creatures an its shallow enough to walk to the island, but some time little sharks come, last summer i out with the other A-GANGERS (thats what they call people that do my job) an i was mega drunk an there was this lil shark stuck it a tide pool. i toatly grabed that sucker with my hand an put him in the water out side the tide pool. probley not my best idea cause he was mad as fuck all like "thats bullshit rick!" im a lil bit crazy if you didnt know. fuck im hungry wish they would get up so we can go to breakfest, goin to some sweet awsome ihop this mornin with my roomie west an his lady friend and my nafew(not sure if thats spelled right) nathen, little shit. "fuck you thomas the train".well im gonna go make noise till those fucks wake up. in the imortal works of a realy drunk west "GIVE ME SOME MOTHER FUCKIN PANCAKES!!!", k every one take it easy.
(that me an J, im gonna miss this guy, trust him with my life)

thank you love!
serios???He does not tattooing well?