fuck, ok so today im in auto nerd mode(sorry if im crazy) an i have been workin on my bronco. so my coolant temp gage is not tracking so i looked up what i thought to be the temp sending probe, went and got the part and put it in.....no dice still nothin after drivin around for half an hour, so then i was like ehhhh its wiring gross, so i pulled my handy dandy tech manual and looked up the wiring diagram in hope of maybe a bad fuse(even though in my head i knew it would inter linked with the other gages, i like to hope i guess) but yet again no dice, so looked up the wire color code so i could settle in for the long haul of fallowing wires. so i got under my dash an found the red an white and fallowed it to the fire wall. i then got in the engine compartment found my wire an followed it up to a.......mother fuckin differnt probe from what i changed. ok so thats not right,and so i say to my self "ok stupid theres only one red/white wire, whats the color of what i changed. well shit on me its white/red. really fuckin really" so back to the book. the book just so happens to read on later model 5.8 v8's refer to figure ......... and the figure was on the next mother fuckin. so now i have to buy another part and i bought the deep well socket to pull the other one which is bigger. so evil, i love this shit.

okaay you fix the bronco up all nice then send it my way