Oops, I did it again. And my body said "Fuck you" I fell apart hardcore. So fucking sick right now. I met a guy (who I have a date with tomorrow!) and he forced me to come stay at his house and has been nursing me back to health. Lots of tea and sleep. After a manic weekend of helping a friend move all day every day with no sleep, clubbing, and then full work day yesterday...I was done. Came over, slept for about 16 hours straight. Tonsils are swollen as your mommas tits when she breast fed you. Puked. Good times. Echo thinks I have an ulcer from the insanity that is my life. Maybe she's right. Someday, I swear I will be a healthy boy. Just not today. Or soon for that matter.
oh, sweetie. if you have strep, you need to go to a doctor and get some antibiotics... don't want you getting scarlet fever!
all I have to say is get better before I get there