Alright, I am gainfully employed. At a gas station. Pumping gas. God that makes me sad just to say it. But it will pay me glorious filthy monies. Judas is in town right now. Sitting on my other bed. We are typing away on our respective laptops. Haven't seen each other in months. and this is what we do. Fucking hilarious. I'm surprised we aren't IMing back and forth. That would be perfect.
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 02, 2009
Well...shit. Here I am again. I got one of those email "here, have 3 … -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
Well, I believe my time on SG is coming to an end. It's been damn fun… -
Thursday Mar 23, 2006
Bunny life post car day one. I sold the car last night for about h… -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
Ok, that last one was just a really early morning bunny being pissy a… -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
I didn't think I'd feel quite so ineffectual and useless at 25 years … -
Friday Mar 17, 2006
I just wrote a bunch of paragraphs about ways I thought we could redu… -
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
I'm alive, but are you? Current mood: determined I am. I sw… -
Friday Feb 24, 2006
Ok Portlandeers. I have a New York friend in town for a couple days. … -
Monday Feb 20, 2006
CDs are gone. A guy came and picked them all up for $450. Big weight … -
Thursday Feb 16, 2006
Yes, here they are. Minus what has been picked up already. All that I…
that truly is amazing!
I can envision a time in the future where private conversations will be had during family dinners via wireless implanted communication devices, with mom talking to dad, dad talking to the kids, and the kids talking to all of their friends, all on different channels, all at the same time, and none of them the wiser.