OK. Dropped off about 10 resumes, and finishd 2 comic scripts in the last 2 days. Pretty productive. Hung out with a girl, went ok. Did some dancing at fun clubs. Emotional anger at the ex is giving way to more logic based anger. Fucking pissed off. On the plus side, her new boyfriend has a hot water music tattoo on the small of his back, and a Motley Crue stomach arch. He has side burns and rides a BMX bike. Allow me to be catty.....I know I'm not the creme of the crap, but there is no way in HELL that I could ever be that big a tool. What a fucking joke. Saddest part....I got left for him. So really, who's the fucking joke? Look for the new comics in September.
going after someone with bad sideburns is the first sign of bad taste in an ex... makes you wonder how they ever had the class to go after you!
michael and i talked about how we love you last night. thought you'd like to know.