Travel diary 3 - Bumfuck Oregon, to Portland
Well, I made it in one piece. And today there was only one scary moment. And it was so weak it's not even worth writing down. Hardly the death defying moments of yesterday. I was told that the Oregon troopers are pretty harsh on speeders, so I stayed at a modest 70 all the way into town. Driving 70 felt like a nice stroll after doing 90, trying to out run a rabid old dog that wanted a chunk of my nuts. I survived. I am in the office of my new place, typing away in the comfort of my new home. Dave and I went walking all over town today. He showed me a bunch of places. My whole neighborhood smells like a garden. I forgot how much I missed trees. Fargo doesn't have as many as I usually like. Portland seems to be a pretty great city. Lots of weird recycled buildings. Lots of places for coffee
Biggest complaint so far......PEOPLE MOVE SO FUCKING SLOW! It's like they have been taking ludes all day or something. I am wanting to tear ass around town, and they are all moseying. Taking their sweet ass time. I am an impatient man, I don't like to wait........I am nervous. For as frequently as I drop everything and start over.....I am pretty damn bad at it. I am feeling like I won't adjust at all. It is too slow here. There is too much traffic. Everyone is weird and polite. I don't know how to do it. I guess we will see how I do. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thoughts on the mountain from yesterday. I was too spacy to put it down yesterday, but here you go......I came around a bend in Montana, and BAM right there in my face were the mountains. I got weak in the knees and my stomach went all watery. I thought I felt insignificant standing next to Ken.......The Moutains blew my mind. I kept expecting Smaug to come down and circle overhead before roasting my ass. And I didn't have gloin, Ori, Bofur, or Bomber to help me. Just me VS. The mountain. It's been standing for thousands of years, and I've got 24. Hmmm......I think I might get stomped. Something that Vast, I couldn't get my mind around it. I made it through, but only just barely. And certainly not unscathed. I'll be keeping these scars you fucking mountain......
I am sad tonight.
Here are some pictures of my room. It is fucking huge. It has 2 queen size beds in it right now, and it STILL looks spacious!
Dave Hard at awork.....
Anyone that wants to come visit me is welcome. I want some familiarity. Not quite so horny today. Could be cuz I jacked off so much on the road I'm tired. G'night all. End of travel diaries. Regular updates will resume tommorow. Thank you for reading. Thank you all for the emails, and messages, it was nice to have things to read from friends in the mornings. Ok, g'night for real this time.
Well, I made it in one piece. And today there was only one scary moment. And it was so weak it's not even worth writing down. Hardly the death defying moments of yesterday. I was told that the Oregon troopers are pretty harsh on speeders, so I stayed at a modest 70 all the way into town. Driving 70 felt like a nice stroll after doing 90, trying to out run a rabid old dog that wanted a chunk of my nuts. I survived. I am in the office of my new place, typing away in the comfort of my new home. Dave and I went walking all over town today. He showed me a bunch of places. My whole neighborhood smells like a garden. I forgot how much I missed trees. Fargo doesn't have as many as I usually like. Portland seems to be a pretty great city. Lots of weird recycled buildings. Lots of places for coffee

Thoughts on the mountain from yesterday. I was too spacy to put it down yesterday, but here you go......I came around a bend in Montana, and BAM right there in my face were the mountains. I got weak in the knees and my stomach went all watery. I thought I felt insignificant standing next to Ken.......The Moutains blew my mind. I kept expecting Smaug to come down and circle overhead before roasting my ass. And I didn't have gloin, Ori, Bofur, or Bomber to help me. Just me VS. The mountain. It's been standing for thousands of years, and I've got 24. Hmmm......I think I might get stomped. Something that Vast, I couldn't get my mind around it. I made it through, but only just barely. And certainly not unscathed. I'll be keeping these scars you fucking mountain......
I am sad tonight.
Here are some pictures of my room. It is fucking huge. It has 2 queen size beds in it right now, and it STILL looks spacious!

Dave Hard at awork.....

Anyone that wants to come visit me is welcome. I want some familiarity. Not quite so horny today. Could be cuz I jacked off so much on the road I'm tired. G'night all. End of travel diaries. Regular updates will resume tommorow. Thank you for reading. Thank you all for the emails, and messages, it was nice to have things to read from friends in the mornings. Ok, g'night for real this time.
I am in bed though.
you slut,
I'll chat sometime. I've got company right now.