Much of my thinking and writing happens at the coffee shop. It is too warm for a strong black cup of Sumatran, so I am having an iced soy vanilla latte. So floofy. I found myself wondering why Hillary Swank looks so manish. When she wears dresses and make up it just looks........Wrong. *I* look better in cute dresses then she does. I am going to try to stick to updating this at least once a day. Drill some good habits into my body. It may not be any thing great, maybe just me thinking about Hillary Swank and the weather, but we will see. There is a possibility that I may be leaving for Portland in a few very short weeks. I have to speak to my benefactor Dave, and see what he has to say. Things here are unraveling at an alarming pace. Moving on is holding quite the appeal right now. I am the king of moving with no plan. Maybe I can change that soon. Maybe i will settle down with Dave, buy a house in Portland and be the long term partner to a 45 year old male nurse. Or maybe not. Good fucking god......I just realized that I work in about 20 minutes and I didn't bring any music to play. Shit.
in other words, HI.
and judas, comment much?
I guess I', the only obediant one today.
Maybe I'll get a treat.