That sounds like it then. Ha.
Shake shake dance move. my hands cover the speakers, so I can't hear the music too much. What I do hear is muted and kind of distorted. Jess and I were in the record shop today for some ungodly reason today. They had my second favorite swans record. At that moment, I do believe I would have cut my cock off in order to possess it. Certainly a testicle. Maybe a butt cheek. I really can't get away from the music. They also had much Foetus that I was missing. Those cunty sweaty nerd fucks.
My birthday is coming soon. March 20th. I will be 25. I don't celebrate. Pisces/aries cusp for those who pay attention to that sort of thing. My roomate has a cabin near cannon beach. I will try to go there and be alone for a few days. That would be my fondest birthday wish. A close second however, is this
. One of my favorite pages, from one of my favorite comics in recent memory. And it is cheap. Seriously, that is cheap for original comic art. Any who want to buy me a pretty gift, or donate to the lukebunny birthday fund may feel free to do so. I take, cash, money order, paypal etc.
I suppose since it is indeed the 14th, it would be unseemly if I didn't mention something about VD. At the risk of sounding like the bitter, jaded, cynical, dickbag that I SO am....Fuck the vd. I've lived through plenty of vd. I try to keep my head down and just eat the chocolate. I wish cursed VD on all of you. I wish you the kind of VD that festers and oozes for weeks on end, and then, just when you think it's all better, and you can start co-mingling your juices die. Fuck the 14th.
Jessica is sitting on the bed next to me as I write this. I can hear her laughing inside her head at me. She thinks she hides it well. But she doesn't. I HEAR ALL. Stop it. Seriously. It's distracting me. You wonder why I don't sleep well? It's cause of the horrible things you say when I try to sleep in your brain. Like...."I wish a train would drive through the house and run over Lucas' fingers right now" Seriously, that shit hurts my feelings. She doesn't want to have a presence in my blog. But fuck that bitch. Yeah, you heard me fucker. I'll write what I wanna. You aint the boss of me. DONT YELL AT ME!!!! I DONT LIKE IT WHEN YOU YELLL!LL!L!L!L!LL! What the blood clot.....Seriously. Too many chocolate covered pretzels and rockstar energy drinks. Yeah, things with the wee one are actually going well. I didn't think they would for a while. We had a couple nasty fights pretty early on...but then she learned her place, and stopped questioning me. should all know that that last little bit isn't exactly acurate. I did psychicly bitch slap her a little bit, but she gave as good as she got. We seem to be getting along very well. Now. This does not change the fact that she is very wee. I mean, really. Very wee. And she has short hair. I'm not lying. Truth in advertising. Truth in advertising. I get confused by all the claims made in commercials. Truth truth truth in advertising. I do not know for sure if Jessica is cooler than negativeland. She may be, but don't hold me to it.
I think I may be about to transform myself into some sort of tranny. I've wanted to be Sam from "Baker Street" for more than 10 years. S/he is incredible.
I get caught up with phrases sometimes. They get stuck, and I just can't stop thinking about them untill I figure them out. Understand them. And, since I am not all that bright, this sometimes can take a while. Lou Reed song with the line "Have you ever made love by proxy" Why? Why the fuck won't it leave my head pipe? Also a two parter. A graphic novel by Alan Moore just came out called "A disease of language" sort of like Burroughs "Word as a virus". Those two are easier to understand than "love by proxy" (seriously!? What the fuck?!) I remember when the Bill Clinton Impeachment Stuff was going on, watching him talking his way around everyone. "What do you mean by Sexual relations??" "What do you mean by 'the'??" "What do you mean by 'Mr. President'??" Language was so his bitch, that noone could touch him. Such a grasp of the english language. We should be able to focus and tighten our words into little sentence bombs, that we can use to blow holes in the brains of anyone who hears them. The aural equivelent of mad cow. Guard your brains. I am on a mission. I have to test my language missiles, so my friends will be the primary targets. Technology has to be refined before it is used on the open market. Feel privilaged.
I love you all. My cock is full of power tonight. I want to lay my cock on your cheek, with the tip in your ear. Please lick my balls. That is some George Bataille for you. If I am ever an 8th of the writer that man was, I will die a happy, satisfied, dignified death.
I had an interview at a cemetery today. I thought it was for a janitor type position. Cleaning up dead flowers, sweeping/mopping etc. And it was. Sort of. In addition to those basic tasks, I would be expected to: Cremate and process human remains. Disinter caskets from the masoleum. Help set up and tear down for each service. Interact and provide customer type service for the family of the deceased. for $9.00 an hour. Why are peoples brains so firmly lodged in their assholes? $15.00 an hour, sure. $9.00??? Got to be a fucking joke right? Nope. Cock bags. I still need me a secondary job. My brain hurts a bit. My eye has been twitching alot today. It always freaks me out and can make me motion sick. I never get car, boat, plane, whatever sick. But my crazy vibrating eye can lay me right out. Who'd have thought eh? The king of my own empire brought low by a vibrating eye. You'd think they would have fixed that bug in the last model, but Nooooo.....I want a refund. To be continued.....
Shake shake dance move. my hands cover the speakers, so I can't hear the music too much. What I do hear is muted and kind of distorted. Jess and I were in the record shop today for some ungodly reason today. They had my second favorite swans record. At that moment, I do believe I would have cut my cock off in order to possess it. Certainly a testicle. Maybe a butt cheek. I really can't get away from the music. They also had much Foetus that I was missing. Those cunty sweaty nerd fucks.
My birthday is coming soon. March 20th. I will be 25. I don't celebrate. Pisces/aries cusp for those who pay attention to that sort of thing. My roomate has a cabin near cannon beach. I will try to go there and be alone for a few days. That would be my fondest birthday wish. A close second however, is this
. One of my favorite pages, from one of my favorite comics in recent memory. And it is cheap. Seriously, that is cheap for original comic art. Any who want to buy me a pretty gift, or donate to the lukebunny birthday fund may feel free to do so. I take, cash, money order, paypal etc.
I suppose since it is indeed the 14th, it would be unseemly if I didn't mention something about VD. At the risk of sounding like the bitter, jaded, cynical, dickbag that I SO am....Fuck the vd. I've lived through plenty of vd. I try to keep my head down and just eat the chocolate. I wish cursed VD on all of you. I wish you the kind of VD that festers and oozes for weeks on end, and then, just when you think it's all better, and you can start co-mingling your juices die. Fuck the 14th.
Jessica is sitting on the bed next to me as I write this. I can hear her laughing inside her head at me. She thinks she hides it well. But she doesn't. I HEAR ALL. Stop it. Seriously. It's distracting me. You wonder why I don't sleep well? It's cause of the horrible things you say when I try to sleep in your brain. Like...."I wish a train would drive through the house and run over Lucas' fingers right now" Seriously, that shit hurts my feelings. She doesn't want to have a presence in my blog. But fuck that bitch. Yeah, you heard me fucker. I'll write what I wanna. You aint the boss of me. DONT YELL AT ME!!!! I DONT LIKE IT WHEN YOU YELLL!LL!L!L!L!LL! What the blood clot.....Seriously. Too many chocolate covered pretzels and rockstar energy drinks. Yeah, things with the wee one are actually going well. I didn't think they would for a while. We had a couple nasty fights pretty early on...but then she learned her place, and stopped questioning me. should all know that that last little bit isn't exactly acurate. I did psychicly bitch slap her a little bit, but she gave as good as she got. We seem to be getting along very well. Now. This does not change the fact that she is very wee. I mean, really. Very wee. And she has short hair. I'm not lying. Truth in advertising. Truth in advertising. I get confused by all the claims made in commercials. Truth truth truth in advertising. I do not know for sure if Jessica is cooler than negativeland. She may be, but don't hold me to it.
I think I may be about to transform myself into some sort of tranny. I've wanted to be Sam from "Baker Street" for more than 10 years. S/he is incredible.
I get caught up with phrases sometimes. They get stuck, and I just can't stop thinking about them untill I figure them out. Understand them. And, since I am not all that bright, this sometimes can take a while. Lou Reed song with the line "Have you ever made love by proxy" Why? Why the fuck won't it leave my head pipe? Also a two parter. A graphic novel by Alan Moore just came out called "A disease of language" sort of like Burroughs "Word as a virus". Those two are easier to understand than "love by proxy" (seriously!? What the fuck?!) I remember when the Bill Clinton Impeachment Stuff was going on, watching him talking his way around everyone. "What do you mean by Sexual relations??" "What do you mean by 'the'??" "What do you mean by 'Mr. President'??" Language was so his bitch, that noone could touch him. Such a grasp of the english language. We should be able to focus and tighten our words into little sentence bombs, that we can use to blow holes in the brains of anyone who hears them. The aural equivelent of mad cow. Guard your brains. I am on a mission. I have to test my language missiles, so my friends will be the primary targets. Technology has to be refined before it is used on the open market. Feel privilaged.
I love you all. My cock is full of power tonight. I want to lay my cock on your cheek, with the tip in your ear. Please lick my balls. That is some George Bataille for you. If I am ever an 8th of the writer that man was, I will die a happy, satisfied, dignified death.
I had an interview at a cemetery today. I thought it was for a janitor type position. Cleaning up dead flowers, sweeping/mopping etc. And it was. Sort of. In addition to those basic tasks, I would be expected to: Cremate and process human remains. Disinter caskets from the masoleum. Help set up and tear down for each service. Interact and provide customer type service for the family of the deceased. for $9.00 an hour. Why are peoples brains so firmly lodged in their assholes? $15.00 an hour, sure. $9.00??? Got to be a fucking joke right? Nope. Cock bags. I still need me a secondary job. My brain hurts a bit. My eye has been twitching alot today. It always freaks me out and can make me motion sick. I never get car, boat, plane, whatever sick. But my crazy vibrating eye can lay me right out. Who'd have thought eh? The king of my own empire brought low by a vibrating eye. You'd think they would have fixed that bug in the last model, but Nooooo.....I want a refund. To be continued.....
Take care in your new job too. How's it going, btw?