Fair warning, brain juices being vented. May make little to no sense.
Music does very little for me these days. . Every so often, a little bit. Maybe. Clever turns of phrase. Crunchy nasty beats. But not really. It just seems to have mostly left my sphere of things that I really care about. When I work, I like to have sounds, so noise/ambient stuff works well. But so does having the tv tuned to the snow channel. Interesting experiment was to have pornography playing in the background while I write. See what kind of weirdness that injects. And it did give some weirdness. But music. Yeah. It used to be the big thing. I wonder if I burned out, or if when comics became a bigger deal for me they just squashed music. I get torn between removing myself from pop culture entirely, or immersing myself fully into it. I have no idea what music movements have been going on for the last 2 or 3 years. Whenever I pop my head up to have a peek around I find at least one or two things that are interesting or have some potential, but I can't be bothered to follow the thread to see if they do it right. Talking about this last night. I am a few years behind the culture. Nip/Tuck and lost?? Never seen em. They both have a couple seasons under their belts now. Have no idea. I missed reality tv completely (thankfully I think...) High speed internet access seems to be affecting artistic media output in a fun way. It's instant. Everything. You can make, distribute and have your music in peoples hands in a single day if you want. It moves so fast. I think the coffee may be making me jump topics too quickly. Do you follow? For as much shit as I talk about music, I can't sell my records. CDs, no problem. I think it may be the last bit of my old collector self I can't get rid of. I mean, I just got 2 records on my all time favorite list. I can't let them go can I? I got an original pressing of Miles Davis "On the corner" and the first "Crucifucks" album. I almost pissed myself. I wonder if I am going to be one of those sad old fossils who listens to the same 20 albums for the next 20 years. Maybe I will become my father? Jethro Tull forever? Fuck. Again. I do like the feeling that certain songs can inject into my comics. "Bad Dream" by Tricky influenced one strongly. It made me nervous and paranoid just working on it. And I think some of that came through. One that is hopefully being illustrated soon has no narative at all except for a talking heads and a monty python song. Maybe I am just full of shit when I talk about music. Maybe I am just scared that I am getting left behind by the hyperdrive speeds that culture is going these days. Hold on tight? Spin off into the sun. Years ago my friend Eric told me that he was so punk rock that he only listened to Jazz. I think I get it now.
Music does very little for me these days. . Every so often, a little bit. Maybe. Clever turns of phrase. Crunchy nasty beats. But not really. It just seems to have mostly left my sphere of things that I really care about. When I work, I like to have sounds, so noise/ambient stuff works well. But so does having the tv tuned to the snow channel. Interesting experiment was to have pornography playing in the background while I write. See what kind of weirdness that injects. And it did give some weirdness. But music. Yeah. It used to be the big thing. I wonder if I burned out, or if when comics became a bigger deal for me they just squashed music. I get torn between removing myself from pop culture entirely, or immersing myself fully into it. I have no idea what music movements have been going on for the last 2 or 3 years. Whenever I pop my head up to have a peek around I find at least one or two things that are interesting or have some potential, but I can't be bothered to follow the thread to see if they do it right. Talking about this last night. I am a few years behind the culture. Nip/Tuck and lost?? Never seen em. They both have a couple seasons under their belts now. Have no idea. I missed reality tv completely (thankfully I think...) High speed internet access seems to be affecting artistic media output in a fun way. It's instant. Everything. You can make, distribute and have your music in peoples hands in a single day if you want. It moves so fast. I think the coffee may be making me jump topics too quickly. Do you follow? For as much shit as I talk about music, I can't sell my records. CDs, no problem. I think it may be the last bit of my old collector self I can't get rid of. I mean, I just got 2 records on my all time favorite list. I can't let them go can I? I got an original pressing of Miles Davis "On the corner" and the first "Crucifucks" album. I almost pissed myself. I wonder if I am going to be one of those sad old fossils who listens to the same 20 albums for the next 20 years. Maybe I will become my father? Jethro Tull forever? Fuck. Again. I do like the feeling that certain songs can inject into my comics. "Bad Dream" by Tricky influenced one strongly. It made me nervous and paranoid just working on it. And I think some of that came through. One that is hopefully being illustrated soon has no narative at all except for a talking heads and a monty python song. Maybe I am just full of shit when I talk about music. Maybe I am just scared that I am getting left behind by the hyperdrive speeds that culture is going these days. Hold on tight? Spin off into the sun. Years ago my friend Eric told me that he was so punk rock that he only listened to Jazz. I think I get it now.
Thanks for the tickles.
I had fun with ya, hope to hang out soon.
I'll text you and then you can have mine!
We'll go people watching