Off the grid.
Love you all immensely. Self imposed exile starting today. Much to think about and process. Things are not what they seem. Or seemed. Or.....I just ate eggs and red bull and make no sense. Whichever you prefer. As I may have demonstrated in this last year, I have very little trouble upending my life and making drastic changes. I thought I had settled. But I may have been wrong. It may be that time again. It's been about 50 degrees. Lovely walking weather. I am confused. Don't know what to do. Some might say these are the worst times to make life altering choices. But. They are pussies. Careening at 1000 miles an hour. Progress? Regress more likely. Once again, maybe time for just some lateral movement. Just to rattle my cage. And yours. Thank you for blog thoughts. I enjoy writing them, so yes. Fuck all those stupid cock gobbler hatchet faces. We'll be seeing you. Take care....
Love you all immensely. Self imposed exile starting today. Much to think about and process. Things are not what they seem. Or seemed. Or.....I just ate eggs and red bull and make no sense. Whichever you prefer. As I may have demonstrated in this last year, I have very little trouble upending my life and making drastic changes. I thought I had settled. But I may have been wrong. It may be that time again. It's been about 50 degrees. Lovely walking weather. I am confused. Don't know what to do. Some might say these are the worst times to make life altering choices. But. They are pussies. Careening at 1000 miles an hour. Progress? Regress more likely. Once again, maybe time for just some lateral movement. Just to rattle my cage. And yours. Thank you for blog thoughts. I enjoy writing them, so yes. Fuck all those stupid cock gobbler hatchet faces. We'll be seeing you. Take care....
