Again. So.
Lots happens. Barely the time to get used to it. I got myself into a goodly ammount of trouble. Some debt that had been neglected for far too long was paid off. The day after the check was sent, the friends who were the collecters called me with threats of court if I did not pay. There were misunderstandings that brought this on and things are now settled. I think both of us learned our lessons and will not enter into a buisiness arrangement with friends again. Too much potential for trouble.
I have a big mouth. Most of you know this. I talk almost non stop. Often non sensicle things, sometimes nuggets of.....something. Open to a fault with my personal life. There is maybe 1 thing in my life that I don't want everyone knowing. 3 people know it. Other than that, I am an open book. My ex used to say (and I am paraphrasing here) "If you don't want people to know something, you shouldn't be doing it." Fucking A right. I agree wholeheartedly. People talk. Your secrets will get out. Eventually, no matter what, someone talks. So if you don't want people knowing, DON'T FUCKING DO IT. No Shame. No Regrets. No Embaressment. Of course, this didn't stop her from doing slimy stuff and trying to hide it from me while lying....But I digress.....I have been fond of saying that I haven't blushed or felt shame since the early 90's. No use for it. Not entirely true, but it's something I strive towards. I am looking at a beautifull girl sitting a little ways away from me as I am typing this. She just licked whip cream off her hot Chocolate. It should be outlawed. The things that I have to put up with....Good christ. Again. Anyway. So. I have skeletons. There is a very good chance that they are worse than any you have. Not a bragging point....just.....fact. We try to live decent lives. Try not to fuck up, when we do, we should be adult/responsible/ etc. enough to face up to it. The point I am dancing around is, I talk about my personal life. My personal life is seldom just mine. There is often another person involved. While I have no problems with the world knowing the most intimate and filthy details of MY personal life, I have been made aware that others do not share this feeling with me. They want their private lives kept somewhat annonymous and well, private. It honestly does slip my mind from time to time. If I have talked about any of your private buisiness, I am sorry. Never meant it to be hurtfull. I honestly rarely expect anyone to read my rambling diary enteries. It must be a nightmare to wade through this shit. Let this be an open warning, if you get involved with me in any capacity, be prepeared for me to talk about it, and write about it. If you do not want me to, tell me, and I won't. That being said, I gave myself a coffee enema and held it in for 7 and 1/2 hours this weekend. It was amazing. I sprayed it out on canvas at the end. It can be yours for $450 american. You wish to own my shit and coffee stained canvas. Yes. You do.
I got a new job. I work at a cafe/diner in downtown Portland called Annies Coffe Co. I work mornings. It's not bad. My bestest buddy Jenna got me in. I do prep work, counter, dishes, food running etc. etc. Make more money than the gas station. Hopefully I keep all my fingers. If any of you go to PSU, feel free to stop in. I work 7am to 1:30 ish. I am in the process of leaving the death fume station. They are not too happy. Can you blame them? I am doing both for a few weeks. More of the 50 some odd hour work weeks. I bitch about them, but really, I do it to myself. I thrive on it. I like the mad manic rush of it all.
I've met a bannana. I like her. We seem to have....something. Not sure what exactly. There is the draw. Magnetic smell pull. We both learned not to fight it. We seem to want to see each other the same ammount, which is rare. There has been no physical anything. Spent the night in bed together. She kicked me in the ass once, and elbowed my face another time. Is that not love? Or thinly veiled lust? It is cute. The first night we hung out, the asking out was unbearably akward and horribly fun. Like pulling teeth almost. Such a game, but we both enjoy it. We started to argue about Andrea Dworkin that awful dead cunt of "Femanist" literature. She accused me of playing devils advocate. Me! Would I do that.......Quiet you. At the very least, I am enjoying my time with her. She is a beautiful woman, Independant and challenging. With excellent taste in Movies. Her taste in music leaves something to be desired, but hey, when you are a music nazi like myself you get used to that particular disapointment
She is pretty fantastic, something I told her in bed last night, in those exact words.
The comic is out. Holy fuck balls is it strange. I is a published author. My comic shop sold out of all of their copies in the first 4 hours they had them. This is a 20 dollar graphic novel put out by a small company with very little publicity. I got a copy. It is FUCKING EXCELLENT. I read it cover to cover the first night I had it. Not a mis step in the whole thing. Every fucking story is good. With the lack of confidence I have in my writing abilities, being in this book floors me. If the editors feel I am worthy of being on the same pages as these folks, that is damn high praise indeed. There have been some reviews published and they have all been pretty glowing. Ed is mentioned by name in a couple, and my story is mentioned in another I have seen. Such a mind fuck..... If you are interested in alternatvie comics and great stories about sex ranging from the funny to the heart breaking, do your self a favor and check it out.
If you know anyone who is an illustrator and is looking for collaberation, let me know. I have many ideas that I want to begin serious work on.
More to say, but my poor twisted arms need to rest. Save it for later, save it for later. Have some reviews.
nerve review
village voice review
Lots happens. Barely the time to get used to it. I got myself into a goodly ammount of trouble. Some debt that had been neglected for far too long was paid off. The day after the check was sent, the friends who were the collecters called me with threats of court if I did not pay. There were misunderstandings that brought this on and things are now settled. I think both of us learned our lessons and will not enter into a buisiness arrangement with friends again. Too much potential for trouble.
I have a big mouth. Most of you know this. I talk almost non stop. Often non sensicle things, sometimes nuggets of.....something. Open to a fault with my personal life. There is maybe 1 thing in my life that I don't want everyone knowing. 3 people know it. Other than that, I am an open book. My ex used to say (and I am paraphrasing here) "If you don't want people to know something, you shouldn't be doing it." Fucking A right. I agree wholeheartedly. People talk. Your secrets will get out. Eventually, no matter what, someone talks. So if you don't want people knowing, DON'T FUCKING DO IT. No Shame. No Regrets. No Embaressment. Of course, this didn't stop her from doing slimy stuff and trying to hide it from me while lying....But I digress.....I have been fond of saying that I haven't blushed or felt shame since the early 90's. No use for it. Not entirely true, but it's something I strive towards. I am looking at a beautifull girl sitting a little ways away from me as I am typing this. She just licked whip cream off her hot Chocolate. It should be outlawed. The things that I have to put up with....Good christ. Again. Anyway. So. I have skeletons. There is a very good chance that they are worse than any you have. Not a bragging point....just.....fact. We try to live decent lives. Try not to fuck up, when we do, we should be adult/responsible/ etc. enough to face up to it. The point I am dancing around is, I talk about my personal life. My personal life is seldom just mine. There is often another person involved. While I have no problems with the world knowing the most intimate and filthy details of MY personal life, I have been made aware that others do not share this feeling with me. They want their private lives kept somewhat annonymous and well, private. It honestly does slip my mind from time to time. If I have talked about any of your private buisiness, I am sorry. Never meant it to be hurtfull. I honestly rarely expect anyone to read my rambling diary enteries. It must be a nightmare to wade through this shit. Let this be an open warning, if you get involved with me in any capacity, be prepeared for me to talk about it, and write about it. If you do not want me to, tell me, and I won't. That being said, I gave myself a coffee enema and held it in for 7 and 1/2 hours this weekend. It was amazing. I sprayed it out on canvas at the end. It can be yours for $450 american. You wish to own my shit and coffee stained canvas. Yes. You do.
I got a new job. I work at a cafe/diner in downtown Portland called Annies Coffe Co. I work mornings. It's not bad. My bestest buddy Jenna got me in. I do prep work, counter, dishes, food running etc. etc. Make more money than the gas station. Hopefully I keep all my fingers. If any of you go to PSU, feel free to stop in. I work 7am to 1:30 ish. I am in the process of leaving the death fume station. They are not too happy. Can you blame them? I am doing both for a few weeks. More of the 50 some odd hour work weeks. I bitch about them, but really, I do it to myself. I thrive on it. I like the mad manic rush of it all.
I've met a bannana. I like her. We seem to have....something. Not sure what exactly. There is the draw. Magnetic smell pull. We both learned not to fight it. We seem to want to see each other the same ammount, which is rare. There has been no physical anything. Spent the night in bed together. She kicked me in the ass once, and elbowed my face another time. Is that not love? Or thinly veiled lust? It is cute. The first night we hung out, the asking out was unbearably akward and horribly fun. Like pulling teeth almost. Such a game, but we both enjoy it. We started to argue about Andrea Dworkin that awful dead cunt of "Femanist" literature. She accused me of playing devils advocate. Me! Would I do that.......Quiet you. At the very least, I am enjoying my time with her. She is a beautiful woman, Independant and challenging. With excellent taste in Movies. Her taste in music leaves something to be desired, but hey, when you are a music nazi like myself you get used to that particular disapointment

The comic is out. Holy fuck balls is it strange. I is a published author. My comic shop sold out of all of their copies in the first 4 hours they had them. This is a 20 dollar graphic novel put out by a small company with very little publicity. I got a copy. It is FUCKING EXCELLENT. I read it cover to cover the first night I had it. Not a mis step in the whole thing. Every fucking story is good. With the lack of confidence I have in my writing abilities, being in this book floors me. If the editors feel I am worthy of being on the same pages as these folks, that is damn high praise indeed. There have been some reviews published and they have all been pretty glowing. Ed is mentioned by name in a couple, and my story is mentioned in another I have seen. Such a mind fuck..... If you are interested in alternatvie comics and great stories about sex ranging from the funny to the heart breaking, do your self a favor and check it out.
If you know anyone who is an illustrator and is looking for collaberation, let me know. I have many ideas that I want to begin serious work on.
More to say, but my poor twisted arms need to rest. Save it for later, save it for later. Have some reviews.
nerve review
village voice review
huge, giant vats of luck to the both of you.