I need to find a new home for my cat, Oliver. My girlfriend is moving in, and with her comes two very territorial cats. The apartment isn't big enough for all of them, and so I find myself here.
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Oliver has been me and Heraclietus' buddy for nearly two years now since we gave him a home, c/o Koleeta. He is an awesome cat, who has come from being a skittish anti-social foundling kitten to a friendly, somewhat cuddly, and yes, still occasionally high strung cat. He is one of the best behaved cats I have ever had the pleasure to own. He doesn't scratch anything but his post, and meows for milk when the fridge is opened. He is low-maintenance, and generally awesome.
If you or anyone you know can give him a home, please shoot me a message. I really want to find him a good home where he will be loved and cared for as much as he is here.
**EDIT** So I managed to talk my girlfriend into giving things a try with all three. We will see how it goes. Still, if anyone would be able to give Oliver a good home, please let me know, so that I can keep it in mind if things do not go well with acclimating the three of them.