So, news update kiddies. I am back, although I am keeping myself rather busy. I managed to have my membership revoked for months without actually realizing it. So, what's going on with me?
1. The game SHIPPED. Call of Duty: World at War is no longer my problem. It is doing pretty well, reviewing at a 85-86 average and it has already moved almost 4 million units as of today. All in all, I am rather pleased with how it all turned out. Hopefully this translates to some sort of bonus down the line.
2. Things still blissful in the lands of love. My girlfriend and I have been together about 10 months now. It has been kind of hectic, since either I have been crunching or she has been crazy busy, but I can't complain too much.
3. I am poorer than I would like, so no change there.
4. I have been reading a lot of H.P. Lovecraft lately, and derivative mythos fiction. I am enjoying it thus far.
5. I am working on a new super top secret game, which is good because it implies that I still have a job. Also, top secret is always kind of cool to say when people ask what you're working on.
6. I was very pleased by this election cycle with the exception of Prop 8 passing. With any luck, the CA supreme court will nail that coffin shut forthwith.
So what's up with you guys? I can't easily browse everyone's blogs because someone went and removed the list of all friends blogs, which is rather obnoxious.
Hope everyone is well,
1. The game SHIPPED. Call of Duty: World at War is no longer my problem. It is doing pretty well, reviewing at a 85-86 average and it has already moved almost 4 million units as of today. All in all, I am rather pleased with how it all turned out. Hopefully this translates to some sort of bonus down the line.
2. Things still blissful in the lands of love. My girlfriend and I have been together about 10 months now. It has been kind of hectic, since either I have been crunching or she has been crazy busy, but I can't complain too much.
3. I am poorer than I would like, so no change there.
4. I have been reading a lot of H.P. Lovecraft lately, and derivative mythos fiction. I am enjoying it thus far.
5. I am working on a new super top secret game, which is good because it implies that I still have a job. Also, top secret is always kind of cool to say when people ask what you're working on.
6. I was very pleased by this election cycle with the exception of Prop 8 passing. With any luck, the CA supreme court will nail that coffin shut forthwith.
So what's up with you guys? I can't easily browse everyone's blogs because someone went and removed the list of all friends blogs, which is rather obnoxious.
Hope everyone is well,
Nice. I know the feeling indeed. But for every down there is an up, so far at least. 
