Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that it finds everyone well.
In other news, the aforementioned N'awlins photos are up. I am, however, far too lazy to save, copy and resize them all, so for the moment I am going to post the link where they can be found and supplement things with a couple of my favorites in a bit.
This is my friend Shayna's site, all pictures are copyrighted to her, etc, etc. It's under Main Menu \ travel \ NewOrleans_07.
In other news, the aforementioned N'awlins photos are up. I am, however, far too lazy to save, copy and resize them all, so for the moment I am going to post the link where they can be found and supplement things with a couple of my favorites in a bit.
This is my friend Shayna's site, all pictures are copyrighted to her, etc, etc. It's under Main Menu \ travel \ NewOrleans_07.
I've seen that before too. That's one of my favorite youtube videos ever. 

I do still have your games. Are you coming to the Sunday think? I can bring them to you there if you like.