i saw a preview of that movie before the land of the dead. i may have to rent the show or something to see what all the fuss is about cause i didnt find it to interesting looking
yup-Aussie girls here, you're on MY time now.
it's ok dood, i've only got crappy phone cam at the moment-even worse!
hold on, you've been a member over a yr, and only 2 fave SG's?? surely you can pick 3 others? those poor gilrs probly think you're dissin them....
(ooh, pick me when i go pink: hint hint)
the funny thing is that my sister meet her too... she works qnne westwood and dita get a corsage and my sister dressed here on... she told me that she looks beautyful too
I DO reply. You gave up. Man, my water is off at my house because somehow the bill I paid on April 22nd cycled and was due on the 12th, but I got no bill AND no notice and the bitch didn't get it back on. Oh, I raised hell, that fucks with my credit and costs me and extra $20. Tomorrow I shall speak with a supervisor. 2 days!!!!
ooooooooooooh, is that the release date?
can't wait.
course it'll probly get delayed by like 6 months before released in Australia.....