I can't sleep, but I should sleep, but I can't so I'm drinking soda, which is ingenious, and writing here.
The dirrty mob is coming up from Florida to party this weekend, we're celebrating my sisters birthday. Angelina (my Camaro), will hopefully be fixed by Friday. Much fun & beer will be had, drunk, spilled.
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! \\
Bed time, I guess. At the very least, listening to music & staring at the ceiling, day dreaming. But I just had a day dream about the term day dream.... is it a day dream if it's night time?
My head is gonna explode!
The dirrty mob is coming up from Florida to party this weekend, we're celebrating my sisters birthday. Angelina (my Camaro), will hopefully be fixed by Friday. Much fun & beer will be had, drunk, spilled.
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! \\

Bed time, I guess. At the very least, listening to music & staring at the ceiling, day dreaming. But I just had a day dream about the term day dream.... is it a day dream if it's night time?
My head is gonna explode!
I'm alive!!!! I have no computer access hardly at all any more. I think I am setting my account up to not debit my bank account because it is kinda a waste. I'm a specail ed teacher now... yaaaaaaaaaayyy. It is very sad that a teacher's salary is a 60% increase on what I was making at the hospital. Why do you keep passing through Macon?