You stupid fucks, how could you have voted for Bush? The campaign lies are already being carried out. Blanket resignations, and activation of about 4,500 of the Inactive Ready Reserve, who are soldiers who have "ETS'd" but haven't hit 7 years since they joined. Hey, guess what? That was me, one year ago. Powell could have been remembered as a great leader until he started pandering to Bush and let up at the UN for the WMD bullshit; he should have resigned then. The Bush administration has made a joke of him.
I know this post is blase` as we're all sick of Bush talk by now, and I hate debating or even talking about politics with anyone outside of the voices in my head, but it angers me what Bush is doing to us as a nation. I am sad we let him be re-elected. We can't even get proper news coverage in Fallujah, because all the reporters are "embedded" and filter through the military for what they can report back to the US, and the interim Iraqi government has virtually kicked Al-Jazeera from reporting in Iraq. Is it going to take a marine firing two bullets into the head of an Iraqi POW in front of rolling cameras before the film will make it back to the US?
I think we're all past the point of being numb though, and that is what scares me. I almost left the US for Australia in 2002, I think I still may someday when I scrape up enough money again.
In other news, Pop Rocks rule. My buddy is coming over to play some Halo 2.
I know this post is blase` as we're all sick of Bush talk by now, and I hate debating or even talking about politics with anyone outside of the voices in my head, but it angers me what Bush is doing to us as a nation. I am sad we let him be re-elected. We can't even get proper news coverage in Fallujah, because all the reporters are "embedded" and filter through the military for what they can report back to the US, and the interim Iraqi government has virtually kicked Al-Jazeera from reporting in Iraq. Is it going to take a marine firing two bullets into the head of an Iraqi POW in front of rolling cameras before the film will make it back to the US?
I think we're all past the point of being numb though, and that is what scares me. I almost left the US for Australia in 2002, I think I still may someday when I scrape up enough money again.
In other news, Pop Rocks rule. My buddy is coming over to play some Halo 2.

absolutely! it is
taco bitch. good playing wid ya last night on halo2, hope to play again sometime. enjoy. x