This is something my new friend MayariX wrote in her blog. She's the bomb and has a great way of expressing her feelings and this is sooo true I had to share it....
"I prefer to just think of myself as a very confident woman who knows what she wants. I have zero drama in my life, namely because I don't let drama enter. I had a conversation with my boss last night via text message about a certain someone I've had my eye on for a while. He was "with" someone else last night. Part of me wants to throw a tantrum and be unhappy. But guess what? I'm too old for that. I'm too old to bother playing with other people's drama any more, so they're welcome to each other. And above all; I DO NOT CHASE. I did that when I was in my twenties and earlier... but not now. I have no need to chase, so therefore, I just look hot and wait. Oddly enough, this weird memory from childhood just came back. In Germany, when I entered 1st grade or so, we used to play on the playground a game called "Girls chase the boys" and another one "Boys chase the girls". Well guess what, women do NOT engage in "Girls chase the boys". We don't even engage in 'Boys chase the girls". We are confident to just BE. And I'm sure Luh would agree with that. And that is all that there actually is to say about that."
"I prefer to just think of myself as a very confident woman who knows what she wants. I have zero drama in my life, namely because I don't let drama enter. I had a conversation with my boss last night via text message about a certain someone I've had my eye on for a while. He was "with" someone else last night. Part of me wants to throw a tantrum and be unhappy. But guess what? I'm too old for that. I'm too old to bother playing with other people's drama any more, so they're welcome to each other. And above all; I DO NOT CHASE. I did that when I was in my twenties and earlier... but not now. I have no need to chase, so therefore, I just look hot and wait. Oddly enough, this weird memory from childhood just came back. In Germany, when I entered 1st grade or so, we used to play on the playground a game called "Girls chase the boys" and another one "Boys chase the girls". Well guess what, women do NOT engage in "Girls chase the boys". We don't even engage in 'Boys chase the girls". We are confident to just BE. And I'm sure Luh would agree with that. And that is all that there actually is to say about that."